more documentation updates
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ MTS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN
* }
* When the scene contains participating media, the Beam Radiance Estimate \cite{Jarosz2008Beam}
* is used to estimate the illumination due to volumetric scattering.
* by Jarosz et al. is used to estimate the illumination due to volumetric scattering.
* \remarks{
* \item Currently, only homogeneous participating media are supported by this implementation
@ -1,19 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<documentation version="2.0.2">
<plugin type="scene" className="Scene">
<shortDescr>Scene root element</shortDescr>
<descr>Tweaking the kd-tree construction parameters is generally not required.</descr>
<param name="kdClip" type="boolean" default="true">kd-tree construction: Enable primitive clipping? Generally leads to a significant improvement of the resulting tree.</param>
<param name="kdIntersectionCost" type="float" default="20">kd-tree construction: Relative cost of a triangle intersection operation in the surface area heuristic.</param>
<param name="kdTraversalCost" type="float" default="15">kd-tree construction: Relative cost of a kd-tree traversal operation in the surface area heuristic.</param>
<param name="kdEmptyBonus" type="float" default="0.8">kd-tree construction: Bonus factor for cutting away regions of empty space</param>
<param name="kdStopPrims" type="integer" default="8">kd-tree construction: A kd-tree node containing this many or fewer primitives will not be split</param>
<child type="integrator" count="1">Requires an integrator</child>
<child type="camera" count="1">Requires a camera</child>
<child type="luminaire" count="+">Requires one or more luminaires</child>
<child type="shape" count="+">Requires one or more shapes</child>
<plugin type="integrator" className="SampleIntegrator" abstract="true">
<shortDescr>Base class of all sampling-based integrators</shortDescr>
<descr>Base class of all sampling-based integrators</descr>
@ -299,17 +285,33 @@
<plugin type="integrator" name="vpl" readableName = "Virtual point light renderer"
show="true" className="VPLIntegrator" extends="Integrator">
Rasterization-based global illuminated technique using hardware
accelerated renderings of the scene under point source illumination. Based on
"Instant Radiosity" by Alexander Keller in Computer Graphics Proceedings,
Annual Conference Series, SIGGRAPH 97, pp. 49-56.
<p>This integrator implements a hardware-accelerated global illumination
rendering technique based on the Instant Radiosity method by Keller.
This is the same approach that is also used in
Mitsuba's real-time preview; the reason for providing it as a separate
integrator plugin is to enable automated (e.g. scripted) usage.</p>
<p>The method roughly works as follows: during a pre-process pass, any present direct
and indirect illumination is converted into a set of <em>virtual point light</em>
sources (VPLs). The scene is then separately rendered many times, each time using
a different VPL as a source of illumination. All of the renderings created in this
manner are accumulated to create the final output image.</p>
<p>Because the individual rendering steps can be exectuted on a
graphics card, it is possible to render many (i.e. 100-1000) VPLs
per second. The method is not without problems, however. In particular,
it performs poorly when rendering glossy materials, and it produces
artifacts in corners and creases . Mitsuba automatically limits
the "glossyness" of materials to reduce the effects of the former
problem. A clamping parameter is provided to control the latter
(see the documentation for details). The number of samples per pixel specified to
the sampler is interpreted as the number of VPLs that should be rendered.</p>
<param name="vplCount" readableName="Number of VPLs" type="integer" default="1000">Total number of virtual point lights that should be rendered</param>
<param name="shadowMapResolution" readableName="Shadow Map Resolution" type="integer" default="512">Shadow map resolution</param>
<param name="shadowMapResolution" readableName="Shadow Map Resolution" type="integer" default="512">Resolution of the shadow maps that are used to compute the point-to-point visibility</param>
<param name="maxDepth" readableName="Maximum depth" type="integer" default="-1">
Longest visualized path length (<tt>-1</tt>=infinite). When a positive value is
specified, it must be greater or equal to <tt>2</tt>, which corresponds to single-bounce
(direct-only) illumination.
Specifies the longest path depth in the generated output image (where <tt>-1</tt>
corresponds to ∞). A value of 1 will only render directly visible light sources.
2 will lead to single-bounce (direct-only) illumination, and so on.
<param name="clamping" readableName="Clamping factor" type="float" default="0.1">Relative clamping factor (0=no clamping, 1=full clamping)</param>
@ -326,6 +328,9 @@
unless an extremely large number of photons is used. A simple remedy is to combine the photon mapper with
an irradiance cache, which performs <em>final gathering</em> to remove these artifacts. Due to its caching nature,
the rendering process will be faster as well.</p>
<p>When the scene contains homogeneous participating media, the Beam Radiance Estimate by Jarosz et al.
is used to estimate the illumination due to volumetric scattering.</p>
<param name="directSamples" readableName="Direct samples" type="integer" default="16">Number of luminaire samples for direct illumination</param>
<param name="glossySamples" readableName="Glossy samples" type="integer" default="32">Number of glossy samples for direct illumination</param>
@ -350,17 +355,31 @@
<plugin type="integrator" name="ppm" readableName="Progressive photon mapper"
show="true" className="ProgressivePhotonMapIntegrator" extends="Integrator">
Progressive photon mapping implementation. Only handles surface
interactions. Parallelization is limited to the local cores.
<p>This plugin implements the progressive photon mapping algorithm by Hachisuka et al.
Progressive photon mapping is a variant of photon
mapping that alternates between photon shooting and gathering passes that involve
a relatively small (e.g. 250K) numbers of photons that are subsequently discarded.</p>
<p>This is done in a way such that the variance and bias of the resulting output
vanish as the number of passes tends to infinity. The progressive nature of this
method enables renderings with an effectively arbitrary number of photons
without exhausting the available system memory.</p>
<p>The desired sample count specified in the sample generator configuration
determines how many photon query points are created per pixel. It should not be
set too high, since the rendering time is approximately proportional to
this number. For good results, use between 2-4 samples along with the
low-discrepancy sampler. Once started, the rendering process continues indefinitely
until it is manually stopped.</p>
<param name="maxDepth" readableName="Maximum depth" type="integer" default="-1">
Longest visualized path length (<tt>-1</tt>=infinite). When a positive value is
specified, it must be greater or equal to <tt>2</tt>, which corresponds to single-bounce
(direct-only) illumination.
Specifies the longest path depth in the generated output image (where <tt>-1</tt>
corresponds to ∞). A value of 1 will only render directly visible light sources.
2 will lead to single-bounce (direct-only) illumination, and so on.
<param name="initialRadius" readableName="Initial radius" type="float" default="0">Initial photon query radius (0 = infer based on scene size and camera resolution)</param>
<param name="initialRadius" readableName="Initial radius" type="float" default="0">Initial photon query radius (<tt>0</tt> = infer based on scene size and camera resolution)</param>
<param name="photonCount" readableName="Photons per iteration" type="integer" default="250000">Number of photons to shoot in each iteration</param>
<param name="granularity" readableName="Work unit granularity" importance="1" type="integer" default="0">Granularity of photon tracing work units (in shot particles, 0 => decide automatically)</param>
<param name="granularity" readableName="Work unit granularity" importance="1" type="integer" default="0">Granularity of photon tracing work units (in numbers of traced particles, <tt>0</tt> = decide automatically)</param>
<param name="rrDepth" readableName="Russian Roulette starting depth" type="integer" default="5" importance="1">
Specifies the minimum path depth, after which the implementation will start to use the
"russian roulette" path termination criterion when tracing photons (set to <tt>-1</tt> to disable).
@ -371,17 +390,23 @@
<plugin type="integrator" name="sppm" readableName="Stochastic progressive photon mapper"
show="true" className="StochasticProgressivePhotonMapIntegrator" extends="Integrator">
Stochastic progressive photon mapping implementation. Only handles surface
interactions. Parallelization is limited to the local cores.
<p>This integrator implements stochastic progressive photon mapping (PPM) by Hachisuka et al.
This algorithm is an extension of progressive photon mapping that improves convergence
when rendering scenes involving depth-of-field, motion blur, and glossy reflections.</p>
<p>Note that this integrator ignores the sampler
configuration---hence, the usual steps of choosing a sample generator and a desired
number of samples per pixel are not necessary. As with PPM, once started,
the rendering process continues indefinitely until it is manually stopped.</p>
<param name="maxDepth" readableName="Maximum depth" type="integer" default="-1">
Longest visualized path length (<tt>-1</tt>=infinite). When a positive value is
specified, it must be greater or equal to <tt>2</tt>, which corresponds to single-bounce
(direct-only) illumination.
Specifies the longest path depth in the generated output image (where <tt>-1</tt>
corresponds to ∞). A value of 1 will only render directly visible light sources.
2 will lead to single-bounce (direct-only) illumination, and so on.
<param name="initialRadius" readableName="Initial radius" type="float" default="0">Initial photon query radius (0 = infer based on scene size and camera resolution)</param>
<param name="initialRadius" readableName="Initial radius" type="float" default="0">Initial photon query radius (<tt>0</tt> = infer based on scene size and camera resolution)</param>
<param name="photonCount" readableName="Photons per iteration" type="integer" default="250000">Number of photons to shoot in each iteration</param>
<param name="granularity" readableName="Work unit granularity" importance="1" type="integer" default="0">Granularity of photon tracing work units (in shot particles, 0 => decide automatically)</param>
<param name="granularity" readableName="Work unit granularity" importance="1" type="integer" default="0">Granularity of photon tracing work units (in numbers of traced particles, <tt>0</tt> = decide automatically)</param>
<param name="rrDepth" readableName="Russian Roulette starting depth" type="integer" default="5" importance="1">
Specifies the minimum path depth, after which the implementation will start to use the
"russian roulette" path termination criterion (set to <tt>-1</tt> to disable).
@ -462,52 +487,95 @@
<plugin type="integrator" name="pssmlt" readableName="Primary Sample Space MLT" show="true"
className="PSSMLT" extends="Integrator">
Kelemen-style Metropolis Light Transport implementation. This
integrator can operate on top of either a simple path tracer or a
fully-fledged bidirectional path tracer with multiple importance
sampling. Various optimizations are implemented, namely stratified
mutations, separate direct illumination, two-stage MLT, and the
improved weights proposed by Kelemen et al. For details, see
the respective parameter descriptions.
<p>Primary Sample Space Metropolis Light Transport (PSSMLT) is a rendering
technique developed by Kelemen et al. which is
based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) integration.</p>
<p>In contrast to simple methods like path tracing that render
images by performing a naive and memoryless random search for light paths,
PSSMLT actively searches for <em>relevant</em> light paths (as is the case
for other MCMC methods). Once such a path is found, the algorithm tries to
explore neighboring paths to amortize the cost of the search. This can
significantly improve the convergence rate of difficult input.
Scenes that were already relatively easy to render usually don't benefit
much from PSSMLT, since the MCMC data management causes additional
computational overheads.</p>
<p>The PSSMLT implementation in Mitsuba can operate on top of either a simple
unidirectional volumetric path tracer or a fully-fledged bidirectional path
tracer with multiple importance sampling, and this choice is controlled by the
<tt>bidirectional</tt> flag. The unidirectional path tracer is generally
much faster, but it produces lower-quality samples. Depending on the input, either may be preferable.</p>
There are a few general caveats about MLT-type algorithms that are good
to know. The first one is that they only render "relative" output images,
meaning that there is a missing scale factor that must be applied to
obtain proper scene radiance values. The implementation in Mitsuba relies
on an additional Monte Carlo estimator to recover this scale factor. By
default, it uses 100K samples (controlled by the <tt>luminanceSamples</tt>
parameter), which should be adequate for most applications.</p>
<p>The second caveat is that the amount of computational expense
associated with a pixel in the output image is roughly proportional to
its intensity. This means that when a bright object (e.g. the sun) is
visible in a rendering, most resources are committed to rendering the
sun disk at the cost of increased variance everywhere else. Since this is
usually not desired, the <tt>twoStage</tt> parameter can be used to
enable <em>Two-stage MLT</em> in this case. </p>
<p>In this mode of operation, the renderer first creates a low-resolution
version of the output image to determine the approximate distribution of
luminance values. The second stage then performs the actual rendering, while
using the previously collected information to ensure that
the amount of time spent rendering each pixel is uniform.</p>
<p>The third caveat is that, while PSMLT can work with scenes that are extremely
difficult for other methods to handle, it is not particularly efficient
when rendering simple things such as direct illumination (which is more easily
handled by a brute-force type algorithm). By default, the
implementation in Mitsuba therefore delegates this to such a method
(with the desired quality being controlled by the <tt>directSamples</tt> parameter).
In very rare cases when direct illumination paths are very difficult to find,
it is preferable to disable this separation so that PSSMLT is responsible
for everything. This can be accomplished by setting
<param name="bidirectional" readableName="Bidirectional" type="boolean" default="true">
If set to <tt>true</tt>, the MLT algorithm runs on top of a
bidirectional path tracer with multiple importance sampling.
Otherwise, the implementation reverts to a unidirectional path tracer.
<param name="maxDepth" readableName="Maximum depth" type="integer" default="-1">
Specifies the longest path depth in the generated output image (where <tt>-1</tt>
corresponds to ∞). A value of 1 will only render directly visible light sources.
2 will lead to single-bounce (direct-only) illumination, and so on.
<param name="directSamples" readableName="Direct samples" type="integer" default="16">
When <tt>separateDirect</tt> is set to <tt>true</tt>, this parameter can
be used to specify the samples per pixel used to render the
direct component. Should be a power of two (otherwise, it will be
rounded to the next one). When set to zero or less, the
direct illumination component will be hidden, which is useful
for analyzing the component rendered by MLT.
By default, this plugin renders the direct illumination component
separately using an optimized direct illumination sampling strategy
that uses low-discrepancy number sequences for superior performance
(in other words, it is <em>not</em> rendered by PSSMLT). This
parameter specifies the number of samples allocated to that method. To
force PSSMLT to be responsible for the direct illumination
component as well, set this parameter to <tt>-1</tt>.
<param name="bidirectional" readableName="Bidirectional" type="boolean" default="true">
If set to <tt>true</tt>, the MLT algorithm runs on top of a
bidirectional path tracer with multiple importance sampling.
Otherwise, the implementation reverts to a basic path tracer.
Generally, the bidirectional path tracer should be noticably
better, so it's best to this setting at its default.
<param name="twoStage" readableName="Two-stage MLT" type="boolean" default="false">
This setting can be very useful to reduce noise in dark regions
of the image: it activates two-stage MLT, where a nested MLT renderer
first creates a tiny version of the output image. In a second pass,
the full version is then rendered, while making use of information
about the image-space luminance distribution found in the first
pass. Two-stage MLT is very useful in making the noise characteristics
more uniform over time image -- specifically, since MLT tends to get
stuck in very bright regions at the cost of the remainder of the image.
<param name="twoStage" readableName="Two-stage MLT" type="boolean" default="false">
Use two-stage MLT? Please see the documentation for details.
<param name="luminanceSamples" readableName="Luminance samples" type="integer" default="100000" importance="1">
Number of samples used to estimate the total luminance
received by the camera's sensor.
MLT-type algorithms create output images that are only
<em>relative</em> The algorithm can e.g. determine that a certain pixel
is approximately twice as bright as another one, but the absolute
scale is unknown. To recover it, this plugin computes
the average luminance arriving at the sensor by generating a
number of samples.
<param name="pLarge" readableName="Large step probability" type="float" default="0.3" importance="1">
Probability of creating large mutations in the [Kelemen et. al]
MLT variant. The default is 0.3.
Rate at which the implementation tries to replace the current path
with a completely new one. Usually, there is little need to change
<param name="rrDepth" readableName="Russian Roulette starting depth" type="integer" default="5" importance="1">
Specifies the minimum path depth, after which the implementation will start to use the
@ -645,249 +713,6 @@
<plugin type="medium" name="homogeneous" className="HomogeneousMedium" extends="Medium">
<shortDescr>Homogeneous participating medium</shortDescr>
Homogeneous participating medium. An arbitrary (manifold) shape
must be specified as a child object.
<child type="shape" count="1">Specifies the shape of the medium</child>
<plugin type="medium" name="heterogeneous" className="HeterogeneousMedium" extends="Medium">
<shortDescr>Heterogeneous participating medium</shortDescr>
Heterogeneous medium class using trilinear interpolation,
Simpson quadrature and one of several possible sampling
strategies. Data files have to be provided in an ASCII
format as follows:<br/>
<li> The first three numbers determine the X,Y and Z resolution,
each of which has to be larger than 2.</li>
<li>The next six numbers determine the minimum X, Y and Z
as well as the maximum X, Y and Z values of the enclosing
axis-aligned bounding box.</li>
<li>Afterwards, (xres*yres*zres) density samples follow in
XYZ order, (e.g. the second entry has coordinate x=2)</li>
<param name="filename" type="string">File containing sampled volume densities</param>
<param name="strategy" type="string" default="standard">
Specifies the used strategy - the four choices are:
<li><tt>standard</tt>: generate a 'desired' accumulated density by sampling an
exponentially distributed random variable. Afterwards, try to find the
distance, at which this much density has been accumulated. Here, the
composite Simpson's rule is used to integrate density along the ray.</li>
<li><tt>coleman</tt>: Sampling technique by [Coleman et al., 1967]. Only for media with
a wavelength-independent extinction coefficient.</li>
<li><tt>uniform</tt>: Naive variant for verification purposes: uniformly
sample a distance along the ray segment, which intersects the volume</li>
<li><tt>double</tt>: Double integral approach - stupid and slow, but it also works..</li>
<param name="stepSizeFactor" type="float" default="1">
While integrating density along a ray, approximately one sample
per voxel is taken - that number can be changed here
<param name="sigma" type="float" default="min(sigmaA+sigmaS)">
Can be used to override the extinction coefficient used to sample distances
in the in-scatter line integral. By default, the smallest spectral sample of
<tt>sigmaA+sigmaT</tt> is used.
<plugin type="phase" name="isotropic" className="IsotropicPhaseFunction" extends="PhaseFunction">
<shortDescr>Isotropic phase function</shortDescr>
Basic isotropic phase function
<plugin type="phase" name="hg" className="HGPhaseFunction" extends="PhaseFunction">
<shortDescr>Henyey-Greenstein phase function</shortDescr>
Phase function by Henyey and Greenstein (1941). Parameterizable
from backward- through isotropic- to forward scattering.
<param name="g" type="float" default="0.8">
Asymmetry parameter of the Henyey-Greenstein phase function. Must
lie in [-1, 1] where >0 is forward scattering and <0 is backward
<plugin type="luminaire" className="Luminaire" abstract="true">
<shortDescr>Abstract luminaire</shortDescr>
<descr>Abstract implementation of a luminaire. Supports emission and shadow ray sampling and computes related probabilities.</descr>
<param name="toWorld" type="transform" default="identity">Affine luminaire space to world space transformation</param>
<plugin type="luminaire" name="area" className="AreaLuminaire" extends="Luminaire">
<shortDescr>Lambertian area luminaire</shortDescr>
Lambertian area light source - can be attached to an arbitrary shape
contained inside the scene. Shadow rays are generally sampled
uniformly with respect to surface area, which may lead to high
variance (e.g. many of the generated samples are facing away
from the point to be shaded).
When the shape in question is a sphere, rays are sampled uniformly
wrt. solid angle, which significantly reduces the variance.
Thus, spheres are recommended whenever there is some flexibility
in choosing the luminaire shape.
<param name="intensity" type="spectrum" default="1">Intensity of the luminaire</param>
<plugin type="luminaire" name="collimated" className="CollimatedBeamLuminaire" extends="Luminaire">
<shortDescr>Collimated beam luminaire</shortDescr>
<descr>Collimated beam with a configurable thickness. Points from <tt>(0,0,0)->(0,0,1)</tt> by default -
use the <tt>toWorld</tt> parameter to change this.
<param name="radius" type="float" default="0.01">World-space beam radius</param>
<param name="intensity" type="spectrum" default="power/surfaceArea">Intensity of the luminaire.
Specify only one of <tt>intensity</tt> and <tt>power.</tt></param>
<param name="power" type="spectrum" default="1">Power of the luminaire.
Specify only one of <tt>intensity</tt> and <tt>power.</tt></param>
<plugin type="luminaire" name="point" className="PointLuminaire" extends="Luminaire">
<shortDescr>Isotropic point source</shortDescr>
<descr>Positioned at <tt>(0,0,0)</tt> by default - use the
<tt>toWorld</tt> parameter to change this.</descr>
<param name="intensity" type="spectrum" default="1">Intensity of the luminaire</param>
<plugin type="luminaire" name="spot" className="SpotLuminaire" extends="Luminaire">
<shortDescr>VRML SpotLight-equivalent luminaire</shortDescr>
In its local coordinate system, the spot light is positioned at the origin and points into the positive Z
direction. Its intensity linearly ramps up between <tt>cutoffAngle</tt>
and <tt>beamWidth</tt>, after which it remains at the maximum value.
<param name="intensity" type="spectrum" default="1">Intensity of the luminaire</param>
<param name="cutoffAngle" type="float" default="20">Cutoff angle in degrees</param>
<param name="beamWidth" type="float" default="cutoffAngle * 3/4">Beam width in degrees</param>
<plugin type="luminaire" name="constant" className="ConstantLuminaire" extends="Luminaire">
<shortDescr>Constant background luminaire</shortDescr>
<descr>Simulates a diffuse, infinitely far-away emitter</descr>
<param name="intensity" type="spectrum" default="1">Intensity of the luminaire</param>
<plugin type="luminaire" name="envmap" className="EnvMapLuminaire" extends="Luminaire">
<shortDescr>Environment map luminaire</shortDescr>
Basic environment map implementation without importance sampling.
Uses the scene's bounding sphere to simulate an infinitely far-away
light source. Expects an EXR image in latitude-longitude (equirectangular) format.
<param name="intensity" type="spectrum" default="1">Intensity of the luminaire</param>
<plugin type="camera" className="Camera" abstract="true">
<shortDescr>Camera base class</shortDescr>
A camera turns a sample on the image plane into a 3D ray.
For this, it requires two supporting objects: a <tt>Sampler</tt> and a <tt>Film</tt> instance.
<param name="toWorld" type="transform" default="identity">Affine camera space to world space transformation</param>
<plugin type="camera" className="PinholeCamera" abstract="true" extends="Camera">
<shortDescr>Pinhole camera base class</shortDescr>
Provides solid angle computation
routines useful for importance-based integrators.
<param name="fov" type="float" default="90">Field of view of the camera (in degrees)</param>
<param name="mapSmallerSide" type="boolean" default="true">Specifies which side of the image plane should cover the field of view specified in the <tt>fov</tt> parameter</param>
<plugin type="camera" name="perspective" className="PerspectiveCamera" extends="PinholeCamera">
<shortDescr>Perspective camera model</shortDescr>
Depth of field can optionally be activated by specifying both focal
distance and lens radius (uses a thin lens approximation)
<param name="focalDistance" type="float" default="0">Distance to the focal plane</param>
<param name="lensRadius" type="float" default="0">World-space lens radius</param>
<param name="nearClip" type="float" default="1e-2">Near clipping plane distance</param>
<param name="farClip" type="float" default="1e4">Far clipping plane distance</param>
<plugin type="camera" name="orthographic" className="OrthographicCamera" extends="Camera">
<shortDescr>Orthographic camera model</shortDescr>
Simple orthographic camera model
<param name="nearClip" type="float" default="1e-2">Near clipping plane distance</param>
<param name="farClip" type="float" default="1e4">Far clipping plane distance</param>
<param name="mapSmallerSide" type="boolean" default="true">Specifies which side of the image plane
maps to normalized device coordinates in <tt>[0,1]</tt>
<plugin type="film" className="Film" abstract="true">
<shortDescr>Abstract Film base class</shortDescr>
<descr>Used to store samples generated by an Integrator.</descr>
<param name="width" type="integer" default="512">Horizontal sensor resolution in pixels</param>
<param name="height" type="integer" default="512">Vertical sensor resolution in pixels</param>
<param name="cropOffsetX" type="integer" default="0">Horizontal pixel position of the crop window relative to the upper left corner</param>
<param name="cropOffsetY" type="integer" default="0">Vertical pixel position of the crop window relative to the upper left corner</param>
<param name="cropWidth" type="integer" default="width">Width of the crop window in pixels</param>
<param name="cropWeight" type="integer" default="height">Height of the crop window in pixels</param>
<param name="highQualityEdges" type="boolean" default="false">
If set to true, regions slightly outside of the film plane will also be sampled, which
improves the image quality at the edges especially with large reconstruction filters.
<plugin type="film" name="hdrfilm" className="HDRFilm" extends="Film">
<shortDescr>High dynamic-range film</shortDescr>
Simple film implementation, which stores the captured image
as an RGBA-based high dynamic-range EXR file.
No gamma correction is applied and spectral radiance values
are converted to linear RGB using the CIE 1931 XYZ color matching
functions and ITU-R Rec. BT.709
<param name="alpha" type="boolean" default="true">Should an alpha channel be added to the output image?</param>
<param name="banner" type="boolean" default="true">Should a program logo be added to the output image?</param>
<plugin type="film" name="ldrfilm" className="LDRFilm" extends="Film">
<shortDescr>PNG low dynamic-range film</shortDescr>
Simple film implementation, which stores the captured image
as an RGBA-based low dynamic-range PNG file with gamma correction.
Spectral radiance values are converted to linear RGB using
the CIE 1931 XYZ color matching functions and ITU-R Rec. BT.709
<param name="alpha" type="boolean" default="true">Should an alpha channel be added to the output image?</param>
<param name="bpp" type="integer" default="24/32, dep. on alpha">Bits per pixel including alpha (must be 8, 16, 24 or 32)</param>
<param name="gamma" type="float" default="-1">Gamma value for the correction. Negative values switch to sRGB</param>
<plugin type="film" name="mfilm" className="MFilm" extends="Film">
<shortDescr>MATLAB film</shortDescr>
Debugging film, which dumps raw luminance values as a 2D array in
MATLAB M-file format. When test case mode is active, the film writes
a triple (luminance, variance, sample count) for every pixel.
<param name="spectra" type="boolean" default="false">Should all spectral samples be exported? In this case,
each pixel will generate several numbers (matching the configured discretization of the color spectrum).
By default, Mitsuba exports the luminances found using the CIE XYZ color matching curves.
<plugin type="rfilter" readableName="Box filter" name="box" show="true" className="BoxFilter" extends="ReconstructionFilter">
<descr>Box filter: the fastest, but also about the worst possible
reconstruction filter, since it is extremely prone to aliasing.
Reference in New Issue