clipping for hair is done

Wenzel Jakob 2010-10-25 13:30:01 +02:00
parent a3842d5e2c
commit a8763c890d
3 changed files with 231 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -605,8 +605,11 @@ public:
return m_nodes != NULL;
/// Return an axis-aligned bounding box containing all primitives
/// Return a (slightly enlarged) axis-aligned bounding box containing all primitives
inline const AABB &getAABB() const { return m_aabb; }
/// Return a tight axis-aligned bounding box containing all primitives
inline const AABB &getTightAABB() const { return m_tightAABB;}
/// Return an bounding sphere containing all primitives
inline const BSphere &getBSphere() const { return m_bsphere; }
@ -616,7 +619,7 @@ protected:
virtual ~AbstractKDTree() { }
KDNode *m_nodes;
AABB m_aabb;
AABB m_aabb, m_tightAABB;
BSphere m_bsphere;
@ -1163,6 +1166,7 @@ protected:
/* Slightly enlarge the bounding box
(necessary e.g. when the scene is planar) */
m_tightAABB = m_aabb;
m_aabb.min -= (m_aabb.max-m_aabb.min) * Epsilon
+ Vector(Epsilon, Epsilon, Epsilon);
m_aabb.max += (m_aabb.max-m_aabb.min) * Epsilon

View File

@ -544,25 +544,35 @@ void PreviewThread::oglRenderVPL(PreviewQueueEntry &target, const VPL &vpl) {
void PreviewThread::oglRenderKDTree(const AbstractKDTree *kdtree) {
std::stack<boost::tuple<const AbstractKDTree::KDNode *, AABB, uint32_t> > stack;
stack.push(boost::make_tuple(kdtree->getRoot(), kdtree->getAABB(), 0));
stack.push(boost::make_tuple(kdtree->getRoot(), kdtree->getTightAABB(), 0));
Float brightness = 10.0f;
while (!stack.empty()) {
const AbstractKDTree::KDNode *node = boost::get<0>(;
AABB aabb = boost::get<1>(;
int level = boost::get<2>(;
if (!node->isLeaf() && level + 1 <= m_context->shownKDTreeLevel) {
if (!node->isLeaf()) {
int axis = node->getAxis();
float split = node->getSplit();
Float tmp = aabb.min[axis];
aabb.min[axis] = split;
stack.push(boost::make_tuple(node->getLeft(), aabb, level+1));
aabb.min[axis] = tmp;
aabb.max[axis] = split;
stack.push(boost::make_tuple(node->getRight(), aabb, level+1));
if (level + 1 <= m_context->shownKDTreeLevel) {
Float tmp = aabb.max[axis];
aabb.max[axis] = split;
stack.push(boost::make_tuple(node->getLeft(), aabb, level+1));
aabb.max[axis] = tmp;
aabb.min[axis] = split;
stack.push(boost::make_tuple(node->getRight(), aabb, level+1));
} else {
aabb.min[axis] = split;
aabb.max[axis] = split;
Spectrum color;
color.fromLinearRGB(0, 0, 2*brightness);

View File

@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
#include <mitsuba/core/fstream.h>
#include <mitsuba/core/fresolver.h>
@ -138,6 +140,208 @@ public:
return false;
* Compute the ellipse created by the intersection of an infinite
* cylinder and a plane. Returns false in the degenerate case.
* Based on:
bool intersectCylPlane(Point planePt, Normal planeNrml,
Point cylPt, Vector cylD, Float radius, Point &center,
Vector *axes, Float *lengths) const {
if (absDot(planeNrml, cylD) < Epsilon)
return false;
Assert(std::abs(planeNrml.length()-1) <Epsilon);
Vector B, A = cylD - dot(cylD, planeNrml)*planeNrml;
Float length = A.length();
if (length > Epsilon && planeNrml != cylD) {
A /= length;
B = cross(planeNrml, A);
} else {
coordinateSystem(planeNrml, A, B);
Vector delta = planePt - cylPt,
deltaProj = delta - cylD*dot(delta, cylD);
Float aDotD = dot(A, cylD);
Float bDotD = dot(B, cylD);
Float c0 = 1-aDotD*aDotD;
Float c1 = 1-bDotD*bDotD;
Float c2 = 2*dot(A, deltaProj);
Float c3 = 2*dot(B, deltaProj);
Float c4 = dot(delta, deltaProj) - radius*radius;
Float lambda = (c2*c2/(4*c0) + c3*c3/(4*c1) - c4)/(c0*c1);
Float alpha0 = -c2/(2*c0),
beta0 = -c3/(2*c1);
lengths[0] = std::sqrt(c1*lambda),
lengths[1] = std::sqrt(c0*lambda);
center = planePt + alpha0 * A + beta0 * B;
axes[0] = A;
axes[1] = B;
return true;
AABB intersectCylFace(int axis,
const Point &min, const Point &max,
const Point &cylPt, const Vector &cylD) const {
int axis1 = (axis + 1) % 3;
int axis2 = (axis + 2) % 3;
Normal planeNrml(0.0f);
planeNrml[axis] = 1;
Point ellipseCenter;
Vector ellipseAxes[2];
Float ellipseLengths[2];
AABB aabb;
if (!intersectCylPlane(min, planeNrml, cylPt, cylD, m_radius,
ellipseCenter, ellipseAxes, ellipseLengths)) {
/* Degenerate case -- return an invalid AABB. This is
not a problem, since one of the other faces will provide
enough information to arrive at a correct clipped AABB */
return aabb;
/* Intersect the ellipse against the sides of the AABB face */
for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) {
Point p1, p2;
p1[axis] = p2[axis] = min[axis];
p1[axis1] = ((i+1) & 2) ? min[axis1] : max[axis1];
p1[axis2] = ((i+0) & 2) ? min[axis2] : max[axis2];
p2[axis1] = ((i+2) & 2) ? min[axis1] : max[axis1];
p2[axis2] = ((i+1) & 2) ? min[axis2] : max[axis2];
Point2 p1l(
dot(p1 - ellipseCenter, ellipseAxes[0]) / ellipseLengths[0],
dot(p1 - ellipseCenter, ellipseAxes[1]) / ellipseLengths[1]);
Point2 p2l(
dot(p2 - ellipseCenter, ellipseAxes[0]) / ellipseLengths[0],
dot(p2 - ellipseCenter, ellipseAxes[1]) / ellipseLengths[1]);
Vector2 rel = p2l-p1l;
Float A = dot(rel, rel);
Float B = 2*dot(Vector2(p1l), rel);
Float C = dot(Vector2(p1l), Vector2(p1l))-1;
Float x0, x1;
if (solveQuadratic(A, B, C, x0, x1)) {
if (x0 >= 0 && x0 <= 1)
if (x1 >= 0 && x1 <= 1)
ellipseAxes[0] *= ellipseLengths[0];
ellipseAxes[1] *= ellipseLengths[1];
AABB faceBounds(min, max);
/* Find the componentwise maxima of the ellipse */
for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) {
int j = (i==0) ? axis1 : axis2;
Float alpha = ellipseAxes[0][j];
Float beta = ellipseAxes[1][j];
Float ratio = beta/alpha, tmp = std::sqrt(1+ratio*ratio);
Float cosTheta = 1/tmp, sinTheta = ratio/tmp;
Point p1 = ellipseCenter + cosTheta*ellipseAxes[0] + sinTheta*ellipseAxes[1];
Point p2 = ellipseCenter - cosTheta*ellipseAxes[0] - sinTheta*ellipseAxes[1];
if (faceBounds.contains(p1))
if (faceBounds.contains(p2))
return aabb;
AABB getAABB(index_type index) const {
index_type iv =;
Point center;
Vector axes[2];
Float lengths[2];
bool success = intersectCylPlane(firstVertex(iv), firstMiterNormal(iv),
firstVertex(iv), tangent(iv), m_radius, center, axes, lengths);
AABB result;
axes[0] *= lengths[0]; axes[1] *= lengths[1];
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
Float range = std::sqrt(axes[0][i]*axes[0][i] + axes[1][i]*axes[1][i]);
result.min[i] = std::min(result.min[i], center[i]-range);
result.max[i] = std::max(result.max[i], center[i]+range);
success = intersectCylPlane(secondVertex(iv), secondMiterNormal(iv),
secondVertex(iv), tangent(iv), m_radius, center, axes, lengths);
axes[0] *= lengths[0]; axes[1] *= lengths[1];
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
Float range = std::sqrt(axes[0][i]*axes[0][i] + axes[1][i]*axes[1][i]);
result.min[i] = std::min(result.min[i], center[i]-range);
result.max[i] = std::max(result.max[i], center[i]+range);
return result;
AABB getClippedAABB(index_type index, const AABB &box) const {
/* Compute a base bounding box */
AABB base(getAABB(index));
index_type iv =;
Point cylPt = firstVertex(iv);
Vector cylD = tangent(iv);
/* Now forget about the cylinder ends and
intersect an infinite cylinder with each AABB face */
AABB clippedAABB;
Point(base.min.x, base.min.y, base.min.z),
Point(base.min.x, base.max.y, base.max.z),
cylPt, cylD));
Point(base.max.x, base.min.y, base.min.z),
Point(base.max.x, base.max.y, base.max.z),
cylPt, cylD));
Point(base.min.x, base.min.y, base.min.z),
Point(base.max.x, base.min.y, base.max.z),
cylPt, cylD));
Point(base.min.x, base.max.y, base.min.z),
Point(base.max.x, base.max.y, base.max.z),
cylPt, cylD));
Point(base.min.x, base.min.y, base.min.z),
Point(base.max.x, base.max.y, base.min.z),
cylPt, cylD));
Point(base.min.x, base.min.y, base.max.z),
Point(base.max.x, base.max.y, base.max.z),
cylPt, cylD));
return clippedAABB;
/// Compute the AABB of a segment (only used during tree construction)
AABB getAABB(int index) const {
index_type iv =;
@ -165,6 +369,7 @@ public:
return aabb;
/// Return the total number of segments
inline int getPrimitiveCount() const {
@ -376,7 +581,7 @@ public:
ref<TriMesh> createTriMesh() {
/// Choice of discretization
const size_t phiSteps = 6;
const size_t phiSteps = 10;
const Float dPhi = (2*M_PI) / phiSteps;
size_t nSegments = m_kdtree->getSegmentCount();