updates to the documentation
@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ f = open('plugins_generated.tex', 'w')
f.write('\section{Plugin reference}\n')
os.path.walk('../src/bsdfs', traverse, f)
os.path.walk('../src/integrators', traverse, f)
os.system('bibtex main.aux')
os.system('pdflatex main.tex')
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% Cite a figure/listing
\newcommand{\figref}[1]{\mbox{Figure \ref{fig:#1}}}
\newcommand{\lstref}[1]{\mbox{Listing \ref{lst:#1}}}
% Macros that are used in the plugin documentation
\newcommand{\plugin}[2]{\newpage\subsubsection{#2 (\texttt{#1})}\label{plg:#1}}
\newcommand{\Or}{~~\small or \small}
\newcommand{\showbreak}{$\rhookswarrow$ }
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\small\texttt{#1} & \small #2 & \small #3\\
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% Make sure that ligatures remain searchable in the PDF
\input glyphtounicode
@ -100,7 +101,7 @@
keywords= [1] {
@ -1,21 +1,76 @@
\subsection{Surface scattering models}
Surface scattering models describe the manner in which light is reflected
by surfaces in the scene, which is fundamentally related to the perceptual
material appearance of an object. To achieve realistic results, Mitsuba
comes with a library of both general-purpose models (smooth or rough glass,
metal, plastic, etc.) and specializations to particular materials
(woven cloth, masks, etc.).
Surface scattering models describe the manner in which light interacts
with surfaces in the scene. They conveniently summarize the mesoscopic
scattering processes that take place within the material and
cause it to look the way it does.
This represents one central component of the material system in Mitsuba---another
part of the renderer concerns itself with what happens
\emph{in between} surface interactions. For more information on this aspect,
please refer to Sections~\ref{sec:media} and \ref{sec:subsurface}.
This section presents an overview of all surface scattering models that are
supported, along with their parameters.
Throughout the documentation and within the scene description language,
the word \emph{BSDF} is used synonymously with the term ``surface
scattering model''. This is an abbreviation for \emph{Bidirectional
\subsubsection*{Correctness considerations}
Some of the scattering models in Mitsuba need to know
the indices of refraction on the exterior and interior-facing
side of a surface.
It is therefore important to decompose the mesh into meaningful
separate surfaces corresponding to each index of refraction change.
The example here shows such a decomposition for a water-filled Glass.
A vital consideration when modeling a scene in a physically-based rendering
system is that the used materials do not violate physical properties, and
that their arrangement is meaningful. For instance, imagine having designed
an architectural interior scene that looks good except for a white desk that
seems a bit too dark. A closer inspection reveals that it uses a Lambertian
material with a diffuse reflectance of $0.9$.
In many rendering systems, it would be feasible to increase the
reflectance value above $1.0$ in such a situation. But in Mitsuba, even a
small surface that reflects a little more light than it receives will
likely break the available rendering algorithms, or cause them to produce otherwise
unpredictable results. In fact, we should rather change the lighting setup and
then \emph{reduce} the material's reflectance, since it is quite unlikely that
we could find a real-world desk with a reflectance as high as $0.9$.
As an example of the necessity for a meaningful material arrangement, consider
the glass model illustrated in \figref{glass-explanation}. Here, careful thinking
is needed to decompose the object into boundaries that mark index of
refraction-changes. If this is done incorrectly and a beam of light can
potentially pass through a sequence of incompatible index of refraction changes (e.g. $1.00\to 1.33$
followed by $1.50\to1.33$), the output is undefined and will quite likely
even contain inaccuracies in parts of the scene that are some distance
away from the glass.
To achieve realistic results, Mitsuba comes with a library of both
general-purpose surface scattering models (smooth or rough glass, metal,
plastic, etc.) and specializations to particular materials (woven cloth,
masks, etc.). Some model plugins fit neither category and could be described
as \emph{modifiers} that are applied on top of one or more scattering models.
Throughout the documentation and within the scene description
language, the word \emph{BSDF} is used synonymously with the term ``surface
scattering model''. This is an abbreviation for \emph{Bidirectional
Scattering Distribution Function}, a more precise technical
description of the model's properties. In Mitsuba, BSDFs are
In Mitsuba, BSDFs are
assigned to \emph{shapes}, which describe the visible surfaces in
the scene. In the scene description language, this assignment can
either be performed by nesting BSDFs within shapes, or they can
be named and then later referenced by their name.
The following fragment shows an example of both kinds of usages:
@ -26,13 +81,11 @@ The following fragment shows an example of both kinds of usages:
<shape type="sphere">
<!-- Example of referencing a named material -->
<ref id="myNamedMaterial"/>
<shape type="sphere">
<!-- Example of using an unnamed material -->
<!-- Example of instantiating an unnamed material -->
<bsdf type=".. BSDF type ..">
<!-- BSDF parameters go here -->
@ -42,3 +95,4 @@ The following fragment shows an example of both kinds of usages:
It is generally more economical to use named BSDFs when they
are used in several places, since this reduces Mitsuba's internal
memory usage.
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
In Mitsuba, the different rendering techniques are collectively referred to as
\emph{integrators}, since they perform integration over a high-dimensional
space. Each integrator represents a specific approach for solving
the light transport equation---usually favored in certain scenarios, but
at the same time affected by its own set of intrinsic limitations.
Therefore, it is important to carefully select an integrator based on
user-specified accuracy requirements and properties of the scene to be
In Mitsuba's XML description language, a single integrator
is usually instantiated by declaring it at the top level within the
scene, e.g.
<scene version=$\MtsVer$>
<!-- Instantiate a unidirectional path tracer that
renders paths up to a depth of 5 -->
<integrator type="path">
<integer name="maxDepth" value="5"/>
<!-- Some geometry to be rendered -->
<shape type="sphere">
<bsdf type="lambertian"/>
This section gives a brief overview of the available choices
along with their parameters.
\subsubsection*{Path length}
\smallrendering{Max. length = 1}{pathlength-1}
\smallrendering{Max. length = 2}{pathlength-2}
\smallrendering{Max. length = 3}{pathlength-3}
\smallrendering{Max. length = $\infty$}{pathlength-all}
These Cornell box renderings demonstrate the visual
effect of a maximum path length. As the paths
are allowed to grow longer, the color saturation
increases due to multiple scattering interactions
with the colored surfaces. At the same time, the
computation time increases.
Almost all integrators use the concept of \emph{path length}.
Here, a path refers to a chain of scattering events that
starts at the light source and ends at the eye or camera.
It is often useful to limit the path length (\figref{pathlengths})
when rendering scenes for preview purposes, since this reduces the amount
of computation that is necessary per pixel. Furthermore, such renderings
usually converge faster and therefore need fewer samples per pixel.
When reference-quality is desired, one should always leave the path
length unlimited.
A ray of emitted light is scattered by an object and subsequently
reaches the eye/camera.
In Mitsuba, this is a \emph{length-2} path, since it has two edges.
Mitsuba counts lengths starting at $1$, which correspond to
visible light sources (i.e. a path that starts at the light
source and ends at the eye or camera without any scattering
interaction in between).
A length-$2$ path (also known as ``direct illumination'') includes
a single scattering event (\figref{path-explanation}).
\subsubsection*{Progressive versus non-progressive}
Some of the rendering techniques in Mitsuba are \emph{progressive}.
What this means is that they display a rough preview, which
improves over time. Leaving them running indefinitely will
continually reduce noise (e.g. in Metropolis Light Transport)
or both noise and bias (e.g. in Progressive Photon Mapping).
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
<xsd:element name="srgb" type="string"/>
<xsd:element name="blackbody" type="blackbody"/>
<xsd:attribute name="version" type="xsd:string"/>
@ -28,14 +28,21 @@ MTS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN
* \parameter{extIOR}{\Float}{Exterior index of refraction \default{1.0}}
* \parameter{specular\showbreak Reflectance}{\Spectrum\Or\Texture}{Optional
* factor used to modulate the reflectance component\default{1.0}}
* \parameter{specular\showbreak Transmittance}{\Spectrum\Or\Texture}{Optional
* \lastparameter{specular\showbreak Transmittance}{\Spectrum\Or\Texture}{Optional
* factor used to modulate the transmittance component\default{1.0}}
* }
* Models an interface between two materials with non-matched indices of refraction.
* The microscopic surface structure is assumed to be perfectly flat, resulting
* in a BSDF equal to a Dirac delta function.
* The default settings are set to a borosilicate glass BK7/air interface.
* This plugin models an interface between two materials having mismatched
* indices of refraction (e.g. a boundary between water and air).
* The microscopic surface structure of the surface is assumed to be perfectly
* smooth, resulting in a degenerate BSDF described by a Dirac delta function.
* For non-smooth interfaces, please take a look at the \pluginref{roughglass}
* model. When using this plugin, it is crucial that the scene contains
* meaningful and mutally compatible index of refraction change -- see
* \figref{glass-explanation} for an example.
* The default settings of this plugin are set to a borosilicate glass BK7/air
* interface.
class Dielectric : public BSDF {
@ -73,6 +73,10 @@ MTS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN
* distributions and a texturable roughness. The default settings are set
* to a borosilicate glass BK7/air interface with a light amount of rougness
* modeled using a Beckmann distribution.
* When using this plugin, it is crucial that the scene contains
* meaningful and mutally compatible index of refraction change -- see
* \figref{glass-explanation} for an example.
class RoughGlass : public BSDF {
@ -23,19 +23,26 @@ MTS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN
static StatsCounter avgPathLength("Path tracer", "Average path length", EAverage);
* Extended path tracer -- uses multiple importance sampling to combine
* two sampling strategies, namely BSDF and luminaire sampling.
* This class does not attempt to solve the full radiative transfer
* equation (see <tt>volpath</tt> if this is needed).
/*! \plugin{path}{Path tracer with multiple importance sampling}
* \parameters{
* \parameter{maxDepth}{\Integer}{Maximum path depth \default{-1}}
* \parameter{strictNormals}{\Boolean}{Strict normals?}
* }
* Extended path tracer -- uses multiple importance sampling to combine
* two sampling strategies, namely BSDF and luminaire sampling.
* This class does not attempt to solve the full radiative transfer
* equation (see <tt>volpath</tt> if this is needed).
class MIPathTracer : public MonteCarloIntegrator {
MIPathTracer(const Properties &props) : MonteCarloIntegrator(props) { }
MIPathTracer(const Properties &props)
: MonteCarloIntegrator(props) {
//m_shadingSamples = props.getInteger("shadingSamples");
/// Unserialize from a binary data stream
MIPathTracer(Stream *stream, InstanceManager *manager)
: MonteCarloIntegrator(stream, manager) { }
: MonteCarloIntegrator(stream, manager) { }
Spectrum Li(const RayDifferential &r, RadianceQueryRecord &rRec) const {
/* Some aliases and local variables */
Reference in New Issue