efficient storage for classification results
@ -163,6 +163,51 @@ private:
std::vector<Chunk> m_chunks;
* \brief Compact storage for primitive classifcation
* When classifying primitives with respect to a split plane,
* a data structure is needed to hold the tertiary result of
* this operation. This class implements a compact storage
* (2 bits per entry) in the spirit of the std::vector<bool>
* specialization.
class ClassificationStorage {
inline ClassificationStorage() : m_buffer(NULL),
m_bufferSize(0) {
inline ClassificationStorage(size_t size) {
m_buffer = new uint8_t[m_bufferSize];
m_bufferSize = size/4;
inline ~ClassificationStorage() {
if (m_buffer)
delete[] m_buffer;
inline void set(uint32_t index, uint8_t value) {
uint8_t *ptr = m_buffer + (index >> 2);
uint8_t shift = (index & 3) << 1;
*ptr = (*ptr & ~(3 << shift)) | (value << shift);
inline uint8_t get(uint32_t index) const {
uint8_t *ptr = m_buffer + (index >> 2);
uint8_t shift = (index & 3) << 1;
return (*ptr >> shift) & 3;
inline size_t getSize() const {
return m_bufferSize;
uint8_t *m_buffer;
size_t m_bufferSize;
* \brief Generic kd-tree for data structure used to accelerate
* ray intersections against large amounts of three-dimensional
@ -172,8 +217,6 @@ template <typename Derived> class GenericKDTree : public Object {
struct KDNode;
struct EdgeEvent;
typedef EdgeEvent *EdgeEventPtr;
typedef EdgeEventPtr EdgeEventPtr3[3];
/// Index number format (max 2^32 prims)
@ -197,6 +240,7 @@ public:
struct BuildContext {
OrderedChunkAllocator leftAlloc, rightAlloc;
OrderedChunkAllocator tempAlloc, nodeAlloc;
ClassificationStorage storage;
GenericKDTree() : m_root(NULL) {
@ -267,6 +311,7 @@ public:
Log(EInfo, "Constructing a SAH kd-tree (%i primitives) ..", primCount);
ctx.storage = ClassificationStorage(primCount);
m_root = nodeAlloc.allocate<KDNode>(1);
Float finalSAHCost = buildTree(ctx, 1, m_root,
m_aabb, m_aabb, indices, primCount, true, 0);
@ -293,6 +338,8 @@ public:
ctx.tempAlloc.getChunkCount(), ctx.tempAlloc.getSize() / 1024.0f);
Log(EDebug, " Nodes: " SIZE_T_FMT " chunks (%.2f KiB)",
ctx.nodeAlloc.getChunkCount(), ctx.nodeAlloc.getSize() / 1024.0f);
Log(EDebug, " Classification storage : %.2f KiB", ctx.storage.getSize() / 1024.0f);
Log(EDebug, "Detailed kd-tree statistics:");
Log(EDebug, " Final SAH cost : %.2f", finalSAHCost);
Log(EDebug, " Inner nodes : %i", m_innerNodeCount);
@ -310,6 +357,183 @@ public:
/// Primitive classification during tree-construction
enum EClassificationResult {
EBothSides = 0,
ELeftSide = 1,
ERightSide = 2
* \brief Describes the beginning or end of a primitive
* when projected onto a certain dimension.
struct EdgeEvent {
/// Possible event types
enum EEventType {
EEdgeEnd = 0,
EEdgePlanar = 1,
EEdgeStart = 2
/// Dummy constructor
inline EdgeEvent() { }
/// Create a new edge event
inline EdgeEvent(int type, float t, index_type index)
: t(t), index(index), type(type) { }
/// Plane position
float t;
/// Primitive index
index_type index;
/// Event type: end/planar/start
uint16_t type;
/// Event dimension
uint16_t dim;
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(EdgeEvent) == 12);
/// Edge event comparison functor
struct EdgeEventOrdering : public std::binary_function<EdgeEvent, EdgeEvent, bool> {
inline bool operator()(const EdgeEvent &a, const EdgeEvent &b) const {
if (a.dim != b.dim)
return a.dim < b.dim;
if (a.t != b.t)
return a.t < b.t;
return a.type < b.type;
* \brief KD-tree node in 8 bytes.
struct KDNode {
union {
/* Inner node */
struct {
/* Bit layout:
31 : False (inner node)
30 : Indirection node flag
29-3 : Offset to the left child
2-0 : Split axis
uint32_t combined;
/// Split plane coordinate
float split;
} inner;
/* Leaf node */
struct {
/* Bit layout:
31 : True (leaf node)
30-0 : Offset to the node's primitive list
uint32_t combined;
/// End offset of the primitive list
uint32_t end;
} leaf;
enum EMask {
ETypeMask = 1 << 31,
EIndirectionMask = 1 << 30,
ELeafOffsetMask = ~ETypeMask,
EInnerAxisMask = 0x3,
EInnerOffsetMask = ~(EInnerAxisMask + EIndirectionMask),
ERelOffsetLimit = (1<<28) - 1
/// Initialize a leaf kd-Tree node
inline void initLeafNode(unsigned int offset, unsigned int numPrims) {
leaf.combined = ETypeMask | offset;
leaf.end = offset + numPrims;
* Initialize an interior kd-Tree node. Reports a failure if the
* relative offset to the left child node is too large.
inline bool initInnerNode(int axis, float split, ptrdiff_t relOffset) {
if (relOffset < 0 || relOffset > ERelOffsetLimit)
return false;
inner.combined = axis | ((uint32_t) relOffset << 2);
inner.split = split;
return true;
* \brief Initialize an interior indirection node.
* Indirections are necessary whenever the children cannot be
* referenced using a relative pointer, which can happen when
* they lie in different memory chunks. In this case, the node
* stores an index into a globally shared pointer list.
inline void initIndirectionNode(int axis, float split, uint32_t indirectionEntry) {
inner.combined = EIndirectionMask | axis | ((uint32_t) indirectionEntry << 2);
inner.split = split;
/// Is this a leaf node?
FINLINE bool isLeaf() const {
return leaf.combined & ETypeMask;
/// Is this an indirection node?
FINLINE bool isIndirection() const {
return leaf.combined & EIndirectionMask;
/// Assuming this is a leaf node, return the first primitive index
FINLINE index_type getPrimStart() const {
return leaf.combined & ELeafOffsetMask;
/// Assuming this is a leaf node, return the last primitive index
FINLINE index_type getPrimEnd() const {
return leaf.end;
/// Return the index of an indirection node
FINLINE index_type getIndirectionIndex() const {
return(inner.combined & EInnerOffsetMask) >> 2;
/// Return the left child (assuming that this is an interior node)
FINLINE const KDNode * __restrict getLeft() const {
return this +
((inner.combined & EInnerOffsetMask) >> 2);
/// Return the left child (assuming that this is an interior node)
FINLINE KDNode * __restrict getLeft() {
return this +
((inner.combined & EInnerOffsetMask) >> 2);
/// Return the left child (assuming that this is an interior node)
FINLINE const KDNode * __restrict getRight() const {
return getLeft() + 1;
/// Return the split plane location (assuming that this is an interior node)
FINLINE float getSplit() const {
return inner.split;
/// Return the split axis (assuming that this is an interior node)
FINLINE int getAxis() const {
return inner.combined & EInnerAxisMask;
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(KDNode) == 8);
* \brief Leaf node creation helper function
@ -463,9 +687,8 @@ public:
Float buildTreeSAH(BuildContext &ctx, unsigned int depth, const KDNode *node,
const AABB &nodeAABB, EdgeEventPtr3 firstEventByAxis,
EdgeEventPtr3 lastEventByAxis, size_type primCount, bool isLeftChild,
size_type badRefines) {
const AABB &nodeAABB, EdgeEvent *firstEvent, EdgeEvent *lastEvent,
size_type primCount, bool isLeftChild, size_type badRefines) {
Float leafCost = primCount * m_intersectionCost;
if (primCount <= m_stopPrims || depth >= m_maxDepth) {
@ -473,6 +696,10 @@ public:
return leafCost;
Float invSA = 1.0f / nodeAABB.getSurfaceArea();
SplitCandidate bestSplit;
bestSplit.sahCost = std::numeric_limits<Float>::infinity();
/* ==================================================================== */
/* Split candidate search */
/* ==================================================================== */
@ -480,50 +707,85 @@ public:
/* First, find the optimal splitting plane according to the
surface area heuristic. To do this in O(n), the search is
implemented as a sweep over the edge events */
for (int axis=0; axis<3; axis++) {
/* Initially, the split plane is placed left of the scene
and thus all geometry is on its right side */
int numLeft = 0, numPlanar = 0, numRight = primCount;
const EdgeEvent *firstEvent = firstEventByAxis[axis];
const EdgeEvent *lastEvent = lastEventByAxis[axis];
size_type numLeft[3], numRight[3];
AABB aabb(nodeAABB);
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
numLeft[i] = 0;
numRight[i] = primCount;
EdgeEvent *eventsByAxis[3];
int eventsByAxisCtr = 1;
eventsByAxis[0] = firstEvent;
/* Iterate over all events on the current axis */
for (EdgeEvent *event = firstEvent; event < lastEvent; ++event) {
/* Record the current position and count all
other events, which are also here */
uint16_t axis = event->axis;
Float t = event->t;
int numStart = 0, numEnd = 0;
size_type numStart = 0, numEnd = 0, numPlanar = 0;
/* Count "end" events */
while (event != lastEvent && event->t == t
while (event != lastEvent && event->t == t && event->axis == axis
&& event->type == EdgeEvent::EEdgeEnd) {
++numEnd; ++event;
/* Count "planar" events */
while (event != lastEvent && event->t == t
while (event != lastEvent && event->t == t && event->axis == axis
&& event->type == EdgeEvent::EEdgePlanar) {
++numPlanar; ++event;
/* Count "start" events */
while (event != lastEvent && event->t == t
while (event != lastEvent && event->t == t && event->axis == axis
&& event->type == EdgeEvent::EEdgeStart) {
++numStart; ++event;
/* The split plane can now be moved onto 't'.
Accordingly, all planar and ending primitives
are removed from the right side */
numRight -= numPlanar; numRight -= numEnd;
if (event < lastEvent && event->axis != axis) {
Assert(eventsByAxisCtr < 3);
/* Keep track of the beginning of dimensions */
eventsByAxis[eventsByAxisCtr++] = event;
/* The split plane can now be moved onto 't'. Accordingly, all planar
and ending primitives are removed from the right side */
numRight[axis] -= numPlanar + numEnd;
/* Calculate a score using the surface area heuristic */
if (t >= nodeAABB.min[axis] && t <= nodeAABB.max[axis]) {
/* Score score = SAH(axis, invSA, aabb, t, numLeft,
numRight, numPlanar);
if (score < bestSplit) {
bestSplit = score;
if (EXPECT_TAKEN(t >= nodeAABB.min[axis] && t <= nodeAABB.max[axis])) {
Float tmp = m_aabb.max[axis];
aabb.max[axis] = t;
Float pLeft = invSA * aabb.getSurfaceArea();
aabb.max[axis] = tmp;
tmp = aabb.min[axis];
aabb.min[axis] = t;
Float pRight = invSA * aabb.getSurfaceArea();
aabb.min[axis] = tmp;
Float sahCostPlanarLeft = m_traversalCost + m_intersectionCost
* (pLeft * (numLeft[axis] + numPlanar) + pRight * numRight[axis]);
Float sahCostPlanarRight = m_traversalCost + m_intersectionCost
* (pLeft * numLeft[axis] + pRight * (numRight[axis] + numPlanar));
if (sahCostPlanarLeft < bestSplit.sahCost || sahCostPlanarRight < bestSplit.sahCost) {
bestSplit.pos = t;
bestSplit.axis = axis;
if (sahCostPlanarLeft < sahCostPlanarRight) {
bestSplit.sahCost = sahCostPlanarLeft;
bestSplit.numLeft = numLeft[axis] + numPlanar;
bestSplit.numRight = numRight[axis];
bestSplit.planarLeft = true;
} else {
bestSplit.sahCost = sahCostPlanarRight;
bestSplit.numLeft = numLeft[axis];
bestSplit.numRight = numRight[axis] + numPlanar;
bestSplit.planarLeft = false;
} else {
/* When primitive clipping is active, this should
never happen! */
@ -534,13 +796,96 @@ public:
which were planar on 't', are moved to the left
side. Also, starting prims are now also left of
the split plane. */
numLeft += numStart; numLeft += numPlanar;
numPlanar = 0;
numLeft[axis] += numStart + numPlanar;
/* Sanity checks. Everything should now be on the
left side of the split plane */
Assert(numRight == 0 && numLeft == primCount);
/* Sanity checks. Everything should now be left of the split plane */
Assert(numRight[0] == 0 && numLeft[0] == primCount &&
numRight[1] == 0 && numLeft[1] == primCount &&
numRight[2] == 0 && numLeft[2] == primCount);
Assert(eventsByAxis[1]->axis == 1 && (eventsByAxis[1]-1)->axis == 0);
Assert(eventsByAxis[1]->axis == 2 && (eventsByAxis[1]-1)->axis == 1);
Assert(bestSplit.sahCost != std::numeric_limits<Float>::infinity());
/* "Bad refines" heuristic from PBRT */
if (bestSplit.sahCost >= leafCost) {
if ((bestSplit.sahCost > 4 * leafCost && primCount < 16)
|| badRefines >= m_maxBadRefines) {
createLeaf(ctx, node, nodeAABB, primCount);
return leafCost;
/* ==================================================================== */
/* Primitive Classification */
/* ==================================================================== */
ClassificationStorage &storage = ctx.storage;
/* Initially mark all prims as being located on both sides */
for (EdgeEvent *event = eventsByAxis[bestSplit.axis];
event < lastEvent && event->axis == bestSplit.axis; ++event)
storage.set(event->index, EBothSides);
size_type primsLeft = 0, primsRight = 0, primsBoth = primCount;
/* Sweep over all edge events and classify the primitives wrt. the split */
for (EdgeEvent *event = eventsByAxis[bestSplit.axis];
event < lastEvent && event->axis == bestSplit.axis; ++event) {
if (event->type == EdgeEvent::EEdgeEnd && event.t <= bestSplit.pos) {
/* The primitive's interval ends before or on the split plane
-> classify to the left side */
Assert(storage.get(event.index) == EBothSides);
storage.set(event.index, ELeftSide);
} else if (event->type == EdgeEvent::EEdgeStart
&& event.t >= bestSplit.pos) {
/* The primitive's interval starts after or on the split plane
-> classify to the right side */
Assert(storage.get(event.index) == EBothSides);
storage.set(event.index, ERightSide);
} else if (event.type == EdgeEvent::EEdgePlanar) {
/* If the planar primitive is not on the split plane, the
classification is easy. Otherwise, place it on the side with
the better SAH score */
Assert(storage.get(event.index) == EBothSides);
if (event.t < bestSplit.t || (event.t == bestSplit.pos
&& bestSplit.planarLeft)) {
storage.set(event.index, ELeftSide);
} else if (event.t > bestSplit.t || (event.t == bestSplit.pos &&
!bestSplit.planarLeft)) {
storage.set(event.index, ERightSide);
} else {
AssertEx(false, "Internal error!");
/* Some sanity checks */
Assert(primsLeft + primsRight + primsBoth == primCount);
Assert(primsLeft + primsBoth == bestSplit.nLeft);
Assert(primsRight + primsBoth == bestSplit.nRight);
EdgeEvent *leftEvents, *rightEvents;
if (isLeftChild) {
OrderedChunkAllocator &rightAlloc = ctx.rightAlloc;
leftEvents = firstEvent;
rightEvents = rightAlloc.allocate<EdgeEvent>(bestSplit.numRight * 6);
} else {
OrderedChunkAllocator &leftAlloc = ctx.leftAlloc;
leftEvents = leftAlloc.allocate<EdgeEvent>(bestSplit.numLeft * 6);
rightEvents = firstEvent;
@ -563,171 +908,6 @@ public:
* \brief Describes the beginning or end of a primitive
* when projected onto a certain dimension.
struct EdgeEvent {
/// Possible event types
enum EEventType {
EEdgeEnd = 0,
EEdgePlanar = 1,
EEdgeStart = 2
/// Dummy constructor
inline EdgeEvent() { }
/// Create a new edge event
inline EdgeEvent(int type, float t, index_type index)
: t(t), index(index), type(type) { }
/// Plane position
float t;
/// Primitive index
index_type index;
/// Event type: end/planar/start
int type;
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(EdgeEvent) == 12);
/// Edge event comparison functor
struct EdgeEventOrdering : public std::binary_function<EdgeEvent, EdgeEvent, bool> {
inline bool operator()(const EdgeEvent &a, const EdgeEvent &b) const {
if (a.t != b.t)
return a.t < b.t;
return a.type < b.type;
* \brief KD-tree node in 8 bytes.
struct KDNode {
union {
/* Inner node */
struct {
/* Bit layout:
31 : False (inner node)
30 : Indirection node flag
29-3 : Offset to the left child
2-0 : Split axis
uint32_t combined;
/// Split plane coordinate
float split;
} inner;
/* Leaf node */
struct {
/* Bit layout:
31 : True (leaf node)
30-0 : Offset to the node's primitive list
uint32_t combined;
/// End offset of the primitive list
uint32_t end;
} leaf;
enum EMask {
ETypeMask = 1 << 31,
EIndirectionMask = 1 << 30,
ELeafOffsetMask = ~ETypeMask,
EInnerAxisMask = 0x3,
EInnerOffsetMask = ~(EInnerAxisMask + EIndirectionMask),
ERelOffsetLimit = (1<<28) - 1
/// Initialize a leaf kd-Tree node
inline void initLeafNode(unsigned int offset, unsigned int numPrims) {
leaf.combined = ETypeMask | offset;
leaf.end = offset + numPrims;
* Initialize an interior kd-Tree node. Reports a failure if the
* relative offset to the left child node is too large.
inline bool initInnerNode(int axis, float split, ptrdiff_t relOffset) {
if (relOffset < 0 || relOffset > ERelOffsetLimit)
return false;
inner.combined = axis | ((uint32_t) relOffset << 2);
inner.split = split;
return true;
* \brief Initialize an interior indirection node.
* Indirections are necessary whenever the children cannot be
* referenced using a relative pointer, which can happen when
* they lie in different memory chunks. In this case, the node
* stores an index into a globally shared pointer list.
inline void initIndirectionNode(int axis, float split, uint32_t indirectionEntry) {
inner.combined = EIndirectionMask | axis | ((uint32_t) indirectionEntry << 2);
inner.split = split;
/// Is this a leaf node?
FINLINE bool isLeaf() const {
return leaf.combined & ETypeMask;
/// Is this an indirection node?
FINLINE bool isIndirection() const {
return leaf.combined & EIndirectionMask;
/// Assuming this is a leaf node, return the first primitive index
FINLINE index_type getPrimStart() const {
return leaf.combined & ELeafOffsetMask;
/// Assuming this is a leaf node, return the last primitive index
FINLINE index_type getPrimEnd() const {
return leaf.end;
/// Return the index of an indirection node
FINLINE index_type getIndirectionIndex() const {
return(inner.combined & EInnerOffsetMask) >> 2;
/// Return the left child (assuming that this is an interior node)
FINLINE const KDNode * __restrict getLeft() const {
return this +
((inner.combined & EInnerOffsetMask) >> 2);
/// Return the left child (assuming that this is an interior node)
FINLINE KDNode * __restrict getLeft() {
return this +
((inner.combined & EInnerOffsetMask) >> 2);
/// Return the left child (assuming that this is an interior node)
FINLINE const KDNode * __restrict getRight() const {
return getLeft() + 1;
/// Return the split plane location (assuming that this is an interior node)
FINLINE float getSplit() const {
return inner.split;
/// Return the split axis (assuming that this is an interior node)
FINLINE int getAxis() const {
return inner.combined & EInnerAxisMask;
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(KDNode) == 8);
* \brief Min-max binning as described in
Reference in New Issue