To get COLLADA support, you will also need to install the \texttt{collada-dom} packages or build them from scratch. Here, we install the \code{x86\_64} binaries and development headers included with Mitsuba:
inside the Mitsuba directory. In the case that you have multiple processors, you might want to parallelize the build by appending \code{-j }\emph{core count} to the command.
If all goes well, SCons should finish successfully within a few minutes:
scons: $\texttt{done}$ building targets.
To be able to run the renderer from the command line, you will also have to import it into your path:
$\text{\$}$ .
(note the period at the beginning -- this assumes that you are using \code{bash}).
You will also need the \texttt{glew-mx} and \texttt{collada-dom} packages, which are not included in the Fedora package repository. You can grab source and \texttt{i386} binary \texttt{RPM} files here: \texttt{}.
Afterwards, simply run
$\text{\$}$ scons
inside the Mitsuba directory. In the case that you have multiple processors, you might want to parallelize the build by appending \code{-j }\emph{core count} to the command.
If all goes well, SCons should finish successfully within a few minutes:
scons: $\texttt{done}$ building targets.
To be able to run the renderer from the command line, you will also have to import it into your path:
$\text{\$}$ .
(note the period at the beginning -- this assumes that you are using \code{bash}).
\emph{Note: }On some setups, the SCons installer generates a warning about not finding Python in the registry. In this case, you can instead run \code{python install} within the source release of SCons.
Next, install Qt (\url{} -- you should get the release for Visual Studio 2008). Again, you need to make sure that the
Qt utilities are reachable through the \code{\%PATH\%} environment variable so that you can for example launch \code{moc.exe} from the command line.
Because the official release of Qt currently only contains 32-bit binaries, you will accordingly have to
build Mitsuba in 32-bit mode (i.e. you should use the configuration file \code{}). If you would rather like compile it in 64-bit mode, you have to create
your own 64-bit Qt binaries.
Having installed these dependencies, run the ``Visual Studio 2008 Command
Prompt'' from the Start Menu (pick the \code{x86} version if you have the choice beetween \code{x86} and \code{x64}). Afterwards,
navigate to the Mitsuba directory and run \code{scons}.
In the case that you have multiple processors, you might want to parallelize the build by appending \code{-j }\emph{core count} to the \code{scons} command.
On Mac OS X, you will need to install both scons (\code{}) and
a recent release of XCode. You will also need to get Qt 4.7.0 Beta 2 or a newer version.
As of this writing, 4.7.0 Beta 2 is still the most recent release and can be found here: \url{}
--- make sure that you get the normal Cocoa release (i.e. \emph{not} the one based on Carbon). All of the
other dependencies are already included in precompiled form.
Now open a Terminal and run
$\text{\$}$ scons
inside the Mitsuba directory. In the case that you have multiple processors, you might want to parallelize the build by appending \code{-j }\emph{core count} to the command.
If all goes well, SCons should finish successfully within a few minutes:
scons: $\texttt{done}$ building targets.
To be able to run the renderer from the command line, you will have to import it into your path:
$\text{\$}$ .
(note the period at the beginning -- this assumes that you are using \code{bash}).