
564 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* Copyright 2006 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
* Licensed under the MIT Open Source License, for details please see license.txt or the website
#ifndef __domFx_surface_common_h__
#define __domFx_surface_common_h__
#include <dae/daeDocument.h>
#include <dom/domTypes.h>
#include <dom/domElements.h>
#include <dom/domFx_surface_init_common.h>
#include <dom/domExtra.h>
#include <dom/domFx_surface_format_hint_common.h>
class DAE;
* The fx_surface_common type is used to declare a resource that can be used
* both as the source for texture samples and as the target of a rendering
* pass.
class domFx_surface_common_complexType
class domFormat;
typedef daeSmartRef<domFormat> domFormatRef;
typedef daeTArray<domFormatRef> domFormat_Array;
* Contains a string representing the profile and platform specific texel
* format that the author would like this surface to use. If this element
* is not specified then the application will use a common format R8G8B8A8
* with linear color gradient, not sRGB.
class domFormat : public daeElement
virtual COLLADA_TYPE::TypeEnum getElementType() const { return COLLADA_TYPE::FORMAT; }
static daeInt ID() { return 22; }
virtual daeInt typeID() const { return ID(); }
protected: // Value
* The xsToken value of the text data of this element.
xsToken _value;
public: //Accessors and Mutators
* Gets the value of this element.
* @return Returns a xsToken of the value.
xsToken getValue() const { return _value; }
* Sets the _value of this element.
* @param val The new value for this element.
void setValue( xsToken val ) { *(daeStringRef*)&_value = val; }
* Constructor
domFormat(DAE& dae) : daeElement(dae), _value() {}
* Destructor
virtual ~domFormat() {}
* Overloaded assignment operator
virtual domFormat &operator=( const domFormat &cpy ) { (void)cpy; return *this; }
* Creates an instance of this class and returns a daeElementRef referencing it.
* @return a daeElementRef referencing an instance of this object.
static DLLSPEC daeElementRef create(DAE& dae);
* Creates a daeMetaElement object that describes this element in the meta object reflection framework.
* If a daeMetaElement already exists it will return that instead of creating a new one.
* @return A daeMetaElement describing this COLLADA element.
static DLLSPEC daeMetaElement* registerElement(DAE& dae);
class domSize;
typedef daeSmartRef<domSize> domSizeRef;
typedef daeTArray<domSizeRef> domSize_Array;
* The surface should be sized to these exact dimensions
class domSize : public daeElement
virtual COLLADA_TYPE::TypeEnum getElementType() const { return COLLADA_TYPE::SIZE; }
static daeInt ID() { return 23; }
virtual daeInt typeID() const { return ID(); }
protected: // Value
* The domInt3 value of the text data of this element.
domInt3 _value;
public: //Accessors and Mutators
* Gets the _value array.
* @return Returns a domInt3 reference of the _value array.
domInt3 &getValue() { return _value; }
* Gets the _value array.
* @return Returns a constant domInt3 reference of the _value array.
const domInt3 &getValue() const { return _value; }
* Sets the _value array.
* @param val The new value for the _value array.
void setValue( const domInt3 &val ) { _value = val; }
* Constructor
domSize(DAE& dae) : daeElement(dae), _value() {}
* Destructor
virtual ~domSize() {}
* Overloaded assignment operator
virtual domSize &operator=( const domSize &cpy ) { (void)cpy; return *this; }
* Creates an instance of this class and returns a daeElementRef referencing it.
* @return a daeElementRef referencing an instance of this object.
static DLLSPEC daeElementRef create(DAE& dae);
* Creates a daeMetaElement object that describes this element in the meta object reflection framework.
* If a daeMetaElement already exists it will return that instead of creating a new one.
* @return A daeMetaElement describing this COLLADA element.
static DLLSPEC daeMetaElement* registerElement(DAE& dae);
class domViewport_ratio;
typedef daeSmartRef<domViewport_ratio> domViewport_ratioRef;
typedef daeTArray<domViewport_ratioRef> domViewport_ratio_Array;
* The surface should be sized to a dimension based on this ratio of the viewport's
* dimensions in pixels
class domViewport_ratio : public daeElement
virtual COLLADA_TYPE::TypeEnum getElementType() const { return COLLADA_TYPE::VIEWPORT_RATIO; }
static daeInt ID() { return 24; }
virtual daeInt typeID() const { return ID(); }
protected: // Value
* The domFloat2 value of the text data of this element.
domFloat2 _value;
public: //Accessors and Mutators
* Gets the _value array.
* @return Returns a domFloat2 reference of the _value array.
domFloat2 &getValue() { return _value; }
* Gets the _value array.
* @return Returns a constant domFloat2 reference of the _value array.
const domFloat2 &getValue() const { return _value; }
* Sets the _value array.
* @param val The new value for the _value array.
void setValue( const domFloat2 &val ) { _value = val; }
* Constructor
domViewport_ratio(DAE& dae) : daeElement(dae), _value() {}
* Destructor
virtual ~domViewport_ratio() {}
* Overloaded assignment operator
virtual domViewport_ratio &operator=( const domViewport_ratio &cpy ) { (void)cpy; return *this; }
* Creates an instance of this class and returns a daeElementRef referencing it.
* @return a daeElementRef referencing an instance of this object.
static DLLSPEC daeElementRef create(DAE& dae);
* Creates a daeMetaElement object that describes this element in the meta object reflection framework.
* If a daeMetaElement already exists it will return that instead of creating a new one.
* @return A daeMetaElement describing this COLLADA element.
static DLLSPEC daeMetaElement* registerElement(DAE& dae);
class domMip_levels;
typedef daeSmartRef<domMip_levels> domMip_levelsRef;
typedef daeTArray<domMip_levelsRef> domMip_levels_Array;
* the surface should contain the following number of MIP levels. If this
* element is not present it is assumed that all miplevels exist until a dimension
* becomes 1 texel. To create a surface that has only one level of mip maps
* (mip=0) set this to 1. If the value is 0 the result is the same as if
* mip_levels was unspecified, all possible mip_levels will exist.
class domMip_levels : public daeElement
virtual COLLADA_TYPE::TypeEnum getElementType() const { return COLLADA_TYPE::MIP_LEVELS; }
static daeInt ID() { return 25; }
virtual daeInt typeID() const { return ID(); }
protected: // Value
* The xsUnsignedInt value of the text data of this element.
xsUnsignedInt _value;
public: //Accessors and Mutators
* Gets the value of this element.
* @return a xsUnsignedInt of the value.
xsUnsignedInt getValue() const { return _value; }
* Sets the _value of this element.
* @param val The new value for this element.
void setValue( xsUnsignedInt val ) { _value = val; }
* Constructor
domMip_levels(DAE& dae) : daeElement(dae), _value() {}
* Destructor
virtual ~domMip_levels() {}
* Overloaded assignment operator
virtual domMip_levels &operator=( const domMip_levels &cpy ) { (void)cpy; return *this; }
* Creates an instance of this class and returns a daeElementRef referencing it.
* @return a daeElementRef referencing an instance of this object.
static DLLSPEC daeElementRef create(DAE& dae);
* Creates a daeMetaElement object that describes this element in the meta object reflection framework.
* If a daeMetaElement already exists it will return that instead of creating a new one.
* @return A daeMetaElement describing this COLLADA element.
static DLLSPEC daeMetaElement* registerElement(DAE& dae);
class domMipmap_generate;
typedef daeSmartRef<domMipmap_generate> domMipmap_generateRef;
typedef daeTArray<domMipmap_generateRef> domMipmap_generate_Array;
* By default it is assumed that mipmaps are supplied by the author so, if
* not all subsurfaces are initialized, it is invalid and will result in profile
* and platform specific behavior unless mipmap_generate is responsible for
* initializing the remainder of the sub-surfaces
class domMipmap_generate : public daeElement
virtual COLLADA_TYPE::TypeEnum getElementType() const { return COLLADA_TYPE::MIPMAP_GENERATE; }
static daeInt ID() { return 26; }
virtual daeInt typeID() const { return ID(); }
protected: // Value
* The xsBoolean value of the text data of this element.
xsBoolean _value;
public: //Accessors and Mutators
* Gets the value of this element.
* @return a xsBoolean of the value.
xsBoolean getValue() const { return _value; }
* Sets the _value of this element.
* @param val The new value for this element.
void setValue( xsBoolean val ) { _value = val; }
* Constructor
domMipmap_generate(DAE& dae) : daeElement(dae), _value() {}
* Destructor
virtual ~domMipmap_generate() {}
* Overloaded assignment operator
virtual domMipmap_generate &operator=( const domMipmap_generate &cpy ) { (void)cpy; return *this; }
* Creates an instance of this class and returns a daeElementRef referencing it.
* @return a daeElementRef referencing an instance of this object.
static DLLSPEC daeElementRef create(DAE& dae);
* Creates a daeMetaElement object that describes this element in the meta object reflection framework.
* If a daeMetaElement already exists it will return that instead of creating a new one.
* @return A daeMetaElement describing this COLLADA element.
static DLLSPEC daeMetaElement* registerElement(DAE& dae);
protected: // Attribute
* Specifying the type of a surface is mandatory though the type may be "UNTYPED".
* When a surface is typed as UNTYPED, it is said to be temporarily untyped
* and instead will be typed later by the context it is used in such as which
* samplers reference it in that are used in a particular technique or pass.
* If there is a type mismatch between what is set into it later and what
* the runtime decides the type should be the result in profile and platform
* specific behavior.
domFx_surface_type_enum attrType;
protected: // Elements
* The common set of initalization options for surfaces. Choose which is
* appropriate for your surface based on the type attribute and other characteristics
* described by the annotation docs on the choiced child elements of this
* type. @see domFx_surface_init_common
domFx_surface_init_commonRef elemFx_surface_init_common;
* Contains a string representing the profile and platform specific texel
* format that the author would like this surface to use. If this element
* is not specified then the application will use a common format R8G8B8A8
* with linear color gradient, not sRGB. @see domFormat
domFormatRef elemFormat;
* If the exact format cannot be resolved via the "format" element then the
* format_hint will describe the important features of the format so that
* the application may select a compatable or close format @see domFormat_hint
domFx_surface_format_hint_commonRef elemFormat_hint;
* The surface should be sized to these exact dimensions @see domSize
domSizeRef elemSize;
* The surface should be sized to a dimension based on this ratio of the viewport's
* dimensions in pixels @see domViewport_ratio
domViewport_ratioRef elemViewport_ratio;
* the surface should contain the following number of MIP levels. If this
* element is not present it is assumed that all miplevels exist until a dimension
* becomes 1 texel. To create a surface that has only one level of mip maps
* (mip=0) set this to 1. If the value is 0 the result is the same as if
* mip_levels was unspecified, all possible mip_levels will exist. @see domMip_levels
domMip_levelsRef elemMip_levels;
* By default it is assumed that mipmaps are supplied by the author so, if
* not all subsurfaces are initialized, it is invalid and will result in profile
* and platform specific behavior unless mipmap_generate is responsible for
* initializing the remainder of the sub-surfaces @see domMipmap_generate
domMipmap_generateRef elemMipmap_generate;
domExtra_Array elemExtra_array;
* Used to preserve order in elements that do not specify strict sequencing of sub-elements.
daeElementRefArray _contents;
* Used to preserve order in elements that have a complex content model.
daeUIntArray _contentsOrder;
* Used to store information needed for some content model objects.
daeTArray< daeCharArray * > _CMData;
public: //Accessors and Mutators
* Gets the type attribute.
* @return Returns a domFx_surface_type_enum of the type attribute.
domFx_surface_type_enum getType() const { return attrType; }
* Sets the type attribute.
* @param atType The new value for the type attribute.
void setType( domFx_surface_type_enum atType ) { attrType = atType; }
* Gets the fx_surface_init_common element.
* @return a daeSmartRef to the fx_surface_init_common element.
const domFx_surface_init_commonRef getFx_surface_init_common() const { return elemFx_surface_init_common; }
* Gets the format element.
* @return a daeSmartRef to the format element.
const domFormatRef getFormat() const { return elemFormat; }
* Gets the format_hint element.
* @return a daeSmartRef to the format_hint element.
const domFx_surface_format_hint_commonRef getFormat_hint() const { return elemFormat_hint; }
* Gets the size element.
* @return a daeSmartRef to the size element.
const domSizeRef getSize() const { return elemSize; }
* Gets the viewport_ratio element.
* @return a daeSmartRef to the viewport_ratio element.
const domViewport_ratioRef getViewport_ratio() const { return elemViewport_ratio; }
* Gets the mip_levels element.
* @return a daeSmartRef to the mip_levels element.
const domMip_levelsRef getMip_levels() const { return elemMip_levels; }
* Gets the mipmap_generate element.
* @return a daeSmartRef to the mipmap_generate element.
const domMipmap_generateRef getMipmap_generate() const { return elemMipmap_generate; }
* Gets the extra element array.
* @return Returns a reference to the array of extra elements.
domExtra_Array &getExtra_array() { return elemExtra_array; }
* Gets the extra element array.
* @return Returns a constant reference to the array of extra elements.
const domExtra_Array &getExtra_array() const { return elemExtra_array; }
* Gets the _contents array.
* @return Returns a reference to the _contents element array.
daeElementRefArray &getContents() { return _contents; }
* Gets the _contents array.
* @return Returns a constant reference to the _contents element array.
const daeElementRefArray &getContents() const { return _contents; }
* Constructor
domFx_surface_common_complexType(DAE& dae, daeElement* elt) : attrType(), elemFx_surface_init_common(), elemFormat(), elemFormat_hint(), elemSize(), elemViewport_ratio(), elemMip_levels(), elemMipmap_generate(), elemExtra_array() {}
* Destructor
virtual ~domFx_surface_common_complexType() { daeElement::deleteCMDataArray(_CMData); }
* Overloaded assignment operator
virtual domFx_surface_common_complexType &operator=( const domFx_surface_common_complexType &cpy ) { (void)cpy; return *this; }
* An element of type domFx_surface_common_complexType.
class domFx_surface_common : public daeElement, public domFx_surface_common_complexType
virtual COLLADA_TYPE::TypeEnum getElementType() const { return COLLADA_TYPE::FX_SURFACE_COMMON; }
static daeInt ID() { return 27; }
virtual daeInt typeID() const { return ID(); }
public: //Accessors and Mutators
* Gets the type attribute.
* @return Returns a domFx_surface_type_enum of the type attribute.
domFx_surface_type_enum getType() const { return attrType; }
* Sets the type attribute.
* @param atType The new value for the type attribute.
void setType( domFx_surface_type_enum atType ) { attrType = atType; _validAttributeArray[0] = true; }
* Constructor
domFx_surface_common(DAE& dae) : daeElement(dae), domFx_surface_common_complexType(dae, this) {}
* Destructor
virtual ~domFx_surface_common() {}
* Overloaded assignment operator
virtual domFx_surface_common &operator=( const domFx_surface_common &cpy ) { (void)cpy; return *this; }
* Creates an instance of this class and returns a daeElementRef referencing it.
* @return a daeElementRef referencing an instance of this object.
static DLLSPEC daeElementRef create(DAE& dae);
* Creates a daeMetaElement object that describes this element in the meta object reflection framework.
* If a daeMetaElement already exists it will return that instead of creating a new one.
* @return A daeMetaElement describing this COLLADA element.
static DLLSPEC daeMetaElement* registerElement(DAE& dae);