233 lines
7.1 KiB
233 lines
7.1 KiB
#include <mitsuba/core/sshstream.h>
#if !defined(WIN32)
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
SSHStream::SSHStream(const std::string &userName,
const std::string &hostName, const std::vector<std::string> &cmdLine, int port, int timeout)
: m_userName(userName), m_hostName(hostName), m_port(port), m_timeout(timeout), m_received(0), m_sent(0) {
Log(EInfo, "Establishing a SSH connection to \"%s@%s\"",
userName.c_str(), hostName.c_str());
#if defined(WIN32)
/* Inherit pipe handles */
sAttr.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
sAttr.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
sAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
/* Create stdout pipe */
if (!CreatePipe(&m_childOutRd, &m_childOutWr, &sAttr, 0))
Log(EError, "Error in CreatePipe(): %s", lastErrorText().c_str());
/* Create stdin pipe */
if (!CreatePipe(&m_childInRd, &m_childInWr, &sAttr, 0))
Log(EError, "Error in CreatePipe(): %s", lastErrorText().c_str());
/* Only inherit one side of the pipes */
if (!SetHandleInformation(m_childOutRd, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0))
Log(EError, "Error in SetHandleInformation(): %s", lastErrorText().c_str());
if (!SetHandleInformation(m_childInWr, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0))
Log(EError, "Error in SetHandleInformation(): %s", lastErrorText().c_str());
/* Start the plink process */
ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION));
ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(STARTUPINFO));
si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
si.hStdError = m_childOutWr;
si.hStdOutput = m_childOutWr;
si.hStdInput = m_childInRd;
std::string params = formatString("-batch -P %i -T %s@%s", m_port, m_userName.c_str(), m_hostName.c_str());
for (size_t i=0; i<cmdLine.size(); ++i)
params = params + " " + cmdLine[i];
if (!CreateProcess("plink.exe", (LPSTR) params.c_str(),
NULL, NULL, // Process & thread security attributes
TRUE, // Inherit handles
NULL, // Use environment of the calling process
NULL, // Use CWD of the calling process
&si, &pi))
Log(EError, "Are you sure plink.exe exists? Take a look at sshstream.h -- OS error: CreateProcess() failed: %s", lastErrorText().c_str());
int infd[2], outfd[2];
if (pipe(outfd) == -1)
Log(EError, "Error in pipe(): %s", strerror(errno));
if (pipe(infd) == -1)
Log(EError, "Error in pipe(): %s", strerror(errno));
char **argv = new char*[15+cmdLine.size()];
int argc = 0;
argv[argc++] = strdup("ssh");
if (m_port != 22) {
argv[argc++] = strdup("-p"); argv[argc++] = strdup(formatString("%i", m_port).c_str());
argv[argc++] = strdup("-e"); argv[argc++] = strdup("none"); /* No escape character */
argv[argc++] = strdup("-T"); /* Disable pseudo TTY allocation (need to be able to transfer binary data) */
argv[argc++] = strdup("-o"); argv[argc++] = strdup("PasswordAuthentication no"); /* Don't proceed if password auth. is required */
argv[argc++] = strdup("-o"); argv[argc++] = strdup("StrictHostKeyChecking no"); /* Don't ask whether to accept host keys */
argv[argc++] = strdup("-o"); argv[argc++] = strdup(formatString("ConnectTimeout %i", m_timeout).c_str()); /* Don't get stuck too long */
argv[argc++] = strdup("-q"); /* Quiet */
argv[argc++] = strdup(formatString("%s@%s", m_userName.c_str(), m_hostName.c_str()).c_str());
for (size_t i=0; i<cmdLine.size(); ++i)
argv[argc++] = strdup(cmdLine[i].c_str());
argv[argc++] = NULL;
if (!fork()) {
if (close(0) == -1)
Log(EError, "Error in close(): %s!", strerror(errno));
if (close(1) == -1)
Log(EError, "Error in close(): %s!", strerror(errno));
if (dup2(outfd[0], 0) == -1)
Log(EError, "Error in dup2(): %s!", strerror(errno));
if (dup2(infd[1], 1) == -1)
Log(EError, "Error in dup2(): %s!", strerror(errno));
if (close(outfd[0]) == -1)
Log(EError, "Error in close(): %s!", strerror(errno));
if (close(outfd[1]) == -1)
Log(EError, "Error in close(): %s!", strerror(errno));
if (close(infd[0]) == -1)
Log(EError, "Error in close(): %s!", strerror(errno));
if (close(infd[1]) == -1)
Log(EError, "Error in close(): %s!", strerror(errno));
if (execvp("/usr/bin/ssh", (char * const *) argv) == -1)
Log(EError, "Error in execvp(): %s!", strerror(errno));
} else {
m_infd = infd[0];
m_outfd = outfd[1];
m_input = fdopen(infd[0], "rb");
m_output = fdopen(outfd[1], "wb");
for (int i=0; i<argc-1; ++i)
SSHStream::~SSHStream() {
Log(EDebug, "Closing SSH connection");
#if defined(WIN32)
std::string SSHStream::toString() const {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "SSHStream[userName='"<< m_userName << "', hostName='"
<< m_hostName << "', sent=" << (m_sent / 1024) << " KB, "
"received=" << (m_received/1024) << " KB]" << endl;
return oss.str();
void SSHStream::setPos(size_t pos) {
Log(EError, "Cannot seek within a socket stream!");
size_t SSHStream::getPos() const {
Log(EError, "Cannot determine the position within a socket stream!");
return 0;
size_t SSHStream::getSize() const {
Log(EError, "Cannot determine the size of a socket stream!");
return 0;
void SSHStream::truncate(size_t size) {
Log(EError, "Cannot truncate a socket stream!");
void SSHStream::flush() {
#if defined(WIN32)
// No-op
if (fflush(m_output) == EOF)
Log(EError, "Error in fflush(): %s!", strerror(errno));
void SSHStream::read(void *ptr, size_t size) {
static StatsCounter bytesRcvd("Network", "Bytes received (SSH)");
#if defined(WIN32)
size_t left = size;
char *data = (char *) ptr;
while (left > 0) {
DWORD nRead = 0;
if (!ReadFile(m_childOutRd, ptr, (DWORD) left, &nRead, NULL))
Log(EError, "Connection closed while reading: %s", lastErrorText().c_str());
left -= nRead;
data += nRead;
if (fread(ptr, size, 1, m_input) != 1) {
if (feof(m_input))
Log(EError, "Error in fread(): end of file!");
else if (ferror(m_input))
Log(EError, "Error in fread(): stream error!");
/* Otherwise, ignore (strange, but seems to be required) */
m_received += size;
bytesRcvd += size;
void SSHStream::write(const void *ptr, size_t size) {
static StatsCounter bytesSent("Network", "Bytes sent (SSH)");
#if defined(WIN32)
size_t left = size;
char *data = (char *) ptr;
while (left > 0) {
DWORD nWritten = 0;
if (!WriteFile(m_childInWr, ptr, (DWORD) left, &nWritten, NULL))
Log(EError, "Connection closed while writing: %s", lastErrorText().c_str());
left -= nWritten;
data += nWritten;
if (fwrite(ptr, size, 1, m_output) != 1) {
if (feof(m_output))
Log(EError, "Error in fwrite(): end of file!");
else if (ferror(m_output))
Log(EError, "Error in fwrite(): stream error!");
/* Otherwise, ignore (strange, but seems to be required) */
m_sent += size;
bytesSent += size;
bool SSHStream::canRead() const {
return true;
bool SSHStream::canWrite() const {
return true;
MTS_IMPLEMENT_CLASS(SSHStream, false, Stream)