2011-07-02 23:03:57 +08:00
2012-10-25 02:44:26 +08:00
In Mitsuba, the different rendering techniques are collectively referred to as
2011-07-02 23:03:57 +08:00
\emph{integrators}, since they perform integration over a high-dimensional
space. Each integrator represents a specific approach for solving
the light transport equation---usually favored in certain scenarios, but
at the same time affected by its own set of intrinsic limitations.
2012-10-25 02:44:26 +08:00
Therefore, it is important to carefully select an integrator based on
user-specified accuracy requirements and properties of the scene to be
2011-07-02 23:03:57 +08:00
In Mitsuba's XML description language, a single integrator
is usually instantiated by declaring it at the top level within the
scene, e.g.
<scene version=$\MtsVer$>
2011-07-13 05:16:27 +08:00
<!-- Instantiate a unidirectional path tracer,
which renders paths up to a depth of 5 -->
2011-07-02 23:03:57 +08:00
<integrator type="path">
<integer name="maxDepth" value="5"/>
<!-- Some geometry to be rendered -->
<shape type="sphere">
2011-07-12 17:53:36 +08:00
<bsdf type="diffuse"/>
2011-07-02 23:03:57 +08:00
2012-10-25 02:44:26 +08:00
This section gives a brief overview of the available choices
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along with their parameters.
2012-09-28 00:43:51 +08:00
\subsubsection*{Choosing an integrator}
2012-10-25 02:44:26 +08:00
Due to the large number of integrators in Mitsuba, the decision of which
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one is suitable may seem daunting. Assuming that the goal is to solve
the full light transport equation without approximations, a few integrators
(\pluginref{ao}, \pluginref{direct}, \pluginref{vpl})
2012-10-25 02:44:26 +08:00
can already be ruled out. The adjoint particle tracer \pluginref{ptracer} is
2012-09-28 00:43:51 +08:00
also rarely used.
The following ``algorithm'' may help to decide amongst the remaining ones:
\item Try rendering the scene with an appropriate path tracer. If this gives the desired result, stop.
Mitsuba currently comes with three path tracer variations that target different setups: It your
scene contains no media and no surfaces with opacity masks, use the plain path tracer (\pluginref{path}).
2012-10-25 02:44:26 +08:00
Otherwise, use one of the volumetric path tracers (\pluginref[volpathsimple]{volpath\_simple}
2012-09-28 00:43:51 +08:00
or \pluginref{volpath}). The latter is preferable if the scene contains glossy surface scattering models.
2012-10-25 02:44:26 +08:00
\item If step 1 produced poor (i.e. noisy and slowly converging) results, try
2012-09-28 00:43:51 +08:00
the bidirectional path tracer (\pluginref{bdpt}).
2012-10-25 02:44:26 +08:00
\item If steps 1 and 2 failed, the scene contains a relatively difficult lighting setup, potentially
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including interaction with complex materials.
In many cases, these difficulties can be greatly ameliorated by running a ``metropolized'' version
of a path tracer. This is implemented in the Primary Sample Space MLT (\pluginref{pssmlt}) plugin.
\item If none of the above worked, the remaining options are to try a photon mapping-type
method (\pluginref{photonmapper}, \pluginref{ppm}, \pluginref{sppm}) or a path-space MLT
method (\pluginref{mlt}, \pluginref{erpt}).
\subsubsection*{Path depth}
2011-07-02 23:03:57 +08:00
2012-09-28 00:43:51 +08:00
\smallrendering{Max. depth = 1}{pathdepth-1}
\smallrendering{Max. depth = 2}{pathdepth-2}
\smallrendering{Max. depth = 3}{pathdepth-3}
\smallrendering{Max. depth = $\infty$}{pathdepth-all}
2011-07-02 23:03:57 +08:00
2012-09-28 00:43:51 +08:00
2012-10-25 02:44:26 +08:00
These Cornell box renderings demonstrate the visual
2012-09-28 00:43:51 +08:00
effect of a maximum path depth. As the paths
2011-07-02 23:03:57 +08:00
are allowed to grow longer, the color saturation
increases due to multiple scattering interactions
with the colored surfaces. At the same time, the
computation time increases.
2012-09-28 00:43:51 +08:00
Almost all integrators use the concept of \emph{path depth}.
2012-10-25 02:44:26 +08:00
Here, a path refers to a chain of scattering events that
2012-09-28 00:43:51 +08:00
starts at the light source and ends at the eye or sensor.
2012-10-25 02:44:26 +08:00
It is often useful to limit the path depth (\figref{pathdepths})
when rendering scenes for preview purposes, since this reduces the amount
2011-07-02 23:03:57 +08:00
of computation that is necessary per pixel. Furthermore, such renderings
usually converge faster and therefore need fewer samples per pixel.
2012-10-25 02:44:26 +08:00
When reference-quality is desired, one should always leave the path
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depth unlimited.
2011-07-02 23:03:57 +08:00
2012-10-25 02:44:26 +08:00
A ray of emitted light is scattered by an object and subsequently
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reaches the eye/sensor.
In Mitsuba, this is a \emph{depth-2} path, since it has two edges.
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2012-09-28 00:43:51 +08:00
Mitsuba counts depths starting at $1$, which correspond to
2012-10-25 02:44:26 +08:00
visible light sources (i.e. a path that starts at the light
source and ends at the eye or sensor without any scattering
2011-07-02 23:03:57 +08:00
interaction in between).
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A depth-$2$ path (also known as ``direct illumination'') includes
2011-07-02 23:03:57 +08:00
a single scattering event (\figref{path-explanation}).
\subsubsection*{Progressive versus non-progressive}
Some of the rendering techniques in Mitsuba are \emph{progressive}.
2012-10-25 02:44:26 +08:00
What this means is that they display a rough preview, which improves over time.
2011-10-03 11:11:24 +08:00
Leaving them running indefinitely will continually reduce noise (in unbiased algorithms
2012-10-25 02:44:26 +08:00
such as Metropolis Light Transport) or noise and bias (in biased
2013-01-25 12:52:10 +08:00
endering techniques such as Progressive Photon Mapping).
\subsubsection*{Hiding directly visible emitters}
Several rendering algorithms in Mitsuba have a feature to hide directly
visible light sources (e.g. environment maps or area lights). While not
particularly realistic, this feature is often convenient to remove a background
from a rendering so that it can be pasted into a differently-colored document.
Note that only directly visible emitters can be hidden using this feature---a
reflection on a shiny surface will be unaffected. To perform the kind of
compositing shown in Figure~\ref{fig:hideemitters}, it is also necessary to
enable the alpha channel in the scene's film instance (Section~\ref{sec:films}).
\unframedrendering{Daylit smoke rendered with \code{hideEmitters} set to \code{false}
(the default setting)}{integrator_volpath_normal}
\unframedrendering{Rendered with \code{hideEmitters} set to \code{true} and alpha-composited
onto a white background.}{integrator_volpath_hideemitters}
\caption{\label{fig:hideemitters}An example application of the \code{hideEmitters} parameter
together with alpha blending}