import sys import argparse from pathlib import Path from typing import List import math import numpy as np import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree sys.path.append('') import set_python_path from mitsuba.core import Transform, Matrix4x4, Vector3, PluginManager, normalize, AnimatedTransform, Point3 from mitsuba.render import Sensor import util from math_util.catmull_rom_spline import catmull_rom_spline from math_util.bezier_curve import bezier_curve def convert_meshlab2mitsuba_camera(camera_def: dict) -> Transform: """ Takes a meshlab camera dict (usually loaded from a meshlab xml file) and turns it into a valid mitsuba Transform which can then be applied to a sensor :param camera_def: The camera def dict, containing at least keys RotationMatrix and TranslationVector :return: A mitsuba transform constructed from the given values """ # Meshlab camera matrix is transposed matrix = Matrix4x4([ float(elem) for elem in camera_def['RotationMatrix'].split(' ')[:16] ]).transpose() # Add translation vector translation = [-float(elem) for elem in camera_def['TranslationVector'].split(' ')] for i in range(3): matrix[i, 3] = translation[i] # Make Mitsuba transform and flip rotation signs (y is not flipped, otherwise resulting image will be flipped vertically) transform = Transform(matrix) transform *= transform.scale(Vector3(-1, 1, -1)) return transform def read_meshlab_sensor_transforms(file_path: Path) -> List[Transform]: """ Reads meshlab camera properties from an xml file. To obtain those, simply press ctrl/cmd+c in meshlab, and paste into a text editor. If you paste multiple cameras into one file, make sure to have a valid document structure with one root node, e.g. :param file_path: Path to the xml file to read :return: A list of Mitsuba transforms """ assert file_path.suffix == '.xml' root_node = etree.parse(file_path).getroot() transforms = [convert_meshlab2mitsuba_camera(elem.attrib) for elem in root_node if elem.tag == 'VCGCamera'] return transforms def create_transform_on_bbsphere(bbox, radius_multiplier: float, positioning_vector: Vector3, tilt=None) -> Transform: """ Create a camera with origin on the bounding sphere around an object and looking towards the center of that sphere Camera center is calculated as: bbsphere_center + radius_multiplier * bbsphere_radius * normalized_positioning_vector :param bbox: The bounding box of the object from which to calculate the bounding sphere :param radius_multiplier: The value to multiply the bounding sphere's radius with (= distance of the camera origin to the center of the bounding sphere) :param positioning_vector: The vector pointing towards the camera center :param tilt: Transform to apply to camera origin. Usually a small rotation to tilt the camera perspective a little :return: A transform on the bbsphere """ bsphere = bbox.getBSphere() camera_target = camera_offset = radius_multiplier * bsphere.radius * normalize(positioning_vector) camera_origin = camera_target + camera_offset camera_transform = Transform.lookAt(tilt * camera_origin if tilt is not None else camera_origin, camera_target, Vector3(0., 0., 1.)) return camera_transform def create_trajectory_on_bbsphere(bbox, initial_positioning_vector: Vector3, rotation_around: Vector3, num_cameras: int, radius_multiplier: float, tilt: Transform = None) -> List[Transform]: """ Creates an interpolated trajectory on the bounding sphere of a scene/object :param bbox: The bounding box of the object/scene to render :param initial_positioning_vector: Controls where to position the camera initially :param rotation_around: Specify axis to rotate camera around :param num_cameras: Number of cameras to generate :param radius_multiplier: Cameras will be placed at distance multiplier * bbsphere radius :param tilt: Additional transformation meant to tilt the camera a bit :return: List with generated transforms """ transforms = [] step_angle = 360. / float(num_cameras) for camera_idx in range(num_cameras): transform = create_transform_on_bbsphere(bbox, radius_multiplier, Transform.rotate(rotation_around, step_angle * camera_idx) * tilt * initial_positioning_vector) transforms.append(transform) return transforms def create_interpolated_trajectory(cameras: List[Transform], method: str, num_cameras_per_m: int = 75, num_cameras_per_rad: int = 225, num_total_cameras: int = 1000) -> List[Transform]: """ Creates an interpolated camera trajectory using supplied key camera transforms :param cameras: Camera transformations to use as control points for interpolation :param method: How to interpolate: *bezier* (used for both camera centers and rotations): Smooth trajectory, but does not necessarily pass through the control points (except the first and last) or *catmullrom* (used for camera centers, using quaternion slerp for rotations): Passes through all control points, but needs more tuning to prevent weird behaviour :param num_cameras_per_m: catmullrom parameter: Camera centers per meter :param num_cameras_per_rad: catmullrom parameter: Camera rotations per radiant :param num_total_cameras: bezier parameter: Number of interpolated cameras between first and last key camera pose :return: A list of interpolated transforms """ all_interpolated = [] camera_pose_matrices = [util.convert_transform2numpy(camera) for camera in cameras] if method == 'bezier': interpolated_cameras = bezier_curve(camera_pose_matrices, num_steps=num_total_cameras) for elem in interpolated_cameras: position = Point3(*elem[:3, 3].tolist()) look = Vector3(*elem[:3, :3].dot(np.array([0, 0, 1])).tolist()) up = Vector3(*(elem[:3, :3].dot(np.array([0, 1, 0]))).tolist()) all_interpolated.append(Transform.lookAt(position, position + look, up)) elif method == 'catmullrom': assert len(cameras) >= 4 camera_groups = [camera_pose_matrices[idx: idx + 4] for idx in range(len(cameras) - 3)] for camera_group in camera_groups: key_positions = (camera_group[1][:3, 3], camera_group[2][:3, 3]) key_looks = (camera_group[1][:3, :3] * np.array([0, 0, 1]), camera_group[2][:3, :3] * np.array([0, 0, 1])) dist = np.linalg.norm(key_positions[1] - key_positions[0]) angle = math.acos(np.clip(np.sum(key_looks[1] @ key_looks[0]), -1., 1.)) num_t = int(np.round(dist / 100. * num_cameras_per_m)) num_r = int(np.round(angle * num_cameras_per_rad)) num = max(40, max(num_t, num_r)) interpolated_cameras = catmull_rom_spline(camera_group, num) for elem in interpolated_cameras: position = Point3(*elem[:3, 3].tolist()) look = Vector3(*elem[:3, :3].dot(np.array([0, 0, 1])).tolist()) up = Vector3(*(elem[:3, :3].dot(np.array([0, 1, 0]))).tolist()) all_interpolated.append(Transform.lookAt(position, position + look, up)) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'The method you chose ({method}) is not implemented') return all_interpolated def create_animated_sensors(trajectory: List[Transform], shutter_time: float = 1., width: int = 1920, height: int = 1440, fov: float = 45., num_samples: int = 256) -> List[Sensor]: """ Create an animated sensor (Applies motion blur to the rendered image) :param trajectory: The trajectory containing all Transforms :param shutter_time: The shutter time to be used to set the Mitsuba setShutterOpenTime :param width: Width of the generated image :param height: Height of the generated image :param fov: The sensor field of view :param num_samples: Number of samples per pixel (controls the noise in the resulting image) :return: A list of Mitsuba animated sensors """ animated_sensors = [] for transform_idx in range(len(trajectory)): atrafo = AnimatedTransform() atrafo.appendTransform(0, trajectory[transform_idx]) atrafo.appendTransform(1, trajectory[min(transform_idx + 1, len(trajectory) - 1)]) atrafo.sortAndSimplify() sensor = create_sensor_from_transform(atrafo, width, height, fov, num_samples) sensor.setShutterOpen(0) sensor.setShutterOpenTime(shutter_time) animated_sensors.append(sensor) return animated_sensors def create_sensor_from_transform(transform, width=1920, height=1440, fov=45., num_samples=256) -> Sensor: """ Create a Mitsuba sensor from a camera transform :param transform: The transform (camera to world) that this sensor uses :param width: The width of the resulting image :param height: The height of the resulting image :param fov: The field of view in degrees (default 45, meshlab uses 60) :param num_samples: Number of samples per pixel :return: A Mitsuba sensor """ sensor = PluginManager.getInstance().create({ 'type': 'perspective', 'film': { 'type': 'ldrfilm', 'width': width, 'height': height, 'pixelFormat': 'rgba', 'exposure': 1.0, 'banner': False }, 'sampler': { 'type': 'ldsampler', 'sampleCount': num_samples }, 'toWorld': transform, 'fov': fov, }) return sensor if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Load and parse cameras from different formats for mitsuba. Called directly, it will print the parsed mitsuba camera") parser.add_argument('camera_filename', type=str, help="The file containing camera definitions") parser.add_argument('--type', default='meshlab', choices=['meshlab'], help="Which type the camera definitions are") parser.add_argument('--interpolate', action='store_true', help="Whether to interpolate cameras between the given one (need at least 4 in this case)") args = parser.parse_args() camera_filepath = Path(args.camera_filename) assert camera_filepath.is_file(), "Camera file has to exist" if args.type == 'meshlab': transforms = read_meshlab_sensor_transforms(camera_filepath) else: raise NotImplementedError print(f"Read {len(transforms)} camera transformations from type {args.type}:") print(transforms) if args.interpolate: interpolated_cameras = create_interpolated_trajectory(transforms, method='bezier') points = np.array([elem[3, :3] for elem in interpolated_cameras]) from io_util import ply ply.write_ply('/home/christian/tmp/cameras.ply', points=points, as_text=True) print(f"Interpolated {len(interpolated_cameras)} camera transformations:") print(interpolated_cameras)