import simpleimageio as sio import figuregen from figuregen.util.templates import FullSizeWithCrops from figuregen.util.image import Cropbox import os import argparse import yaml import numpy as np class MyCrops(FullSizeWithCrops): def __init__(self, reference_image, method_images, crops, crops_below = True, method_names = None, use_latex = False,add=False): """ Shows a reference image next to a grid of crops from different methods. Args: reference_image: a reference image (or any other image to put full-size in the lefthand grid) method_images: list of images, each corresponds to a new column in the crop grid crops: list of crops to take from each method, each creates a new row and a marker on the reference crops_below: [optional] if False, the crops will be a column to the right of each image method_names: [optional] list of string, names for the reference and each method, to put above the crops use_latex: set to true to pretty-print captions with LaTeX commands (requires TikZ backend) Returns: A list of two grids: The first is a single image (reference), the second a series of crops, one or more for each method. """ self._reference_image = reference_image self._method_images = method_images self.use_latex = use_latex self._crops_below = crops_below self._errors = [ self.compute_error(reference_image, m) for m in method_images ] self._crop_errors = [ [ self.compute_error(crop.crop(reference_image), crop.crop(m)) for m in method_images ] for crop in crops ] # Put in one list to make our life easier in the following images = [reference_image] images.extend(method_images) # Create the grid for the reference image self._ref_grid = [ figuregen.Grid(1, 1) for _ in range(len(images)) ] for i in range(len(images)): self._ref_grid[i][0, 0].image = self.tonemap(images[i]) for crop in crops: self._ref_grid[i][0, 0].set_marker(crop.marker_pos, crop.marker_size, color=[255,255,255]) # Create the grid with the crops if self._crops_below: self._crop_grid = [ figuregen.Grid(num_cols=len(crops), num_rows=1) for _ in range(len(images)) ] for i in range(len(images)): for col in range(len(crops)): self._crop_grid[i][0, col].image = self.tonemap(crops[col].crop(images[i])) else: self._crop_grid = [ figuregen.Grid(num_cols=1, num_rows=len(crops)) for _ in range(len(images)) ] for i in range(len(images)): for row in range(len(crops)): self._crop_grid[i][row, 0].image = self.tonemap(crops[row].crop(images[i])) # Add padding to the right of all but the last image for i in range(len(images) - 1): self._ref_grid[i].layout.set_padding(right=1) self._crop_grid[i].layout.set_padding(right=1) if self._crops_below: self._ref_grid[i].layout.set_padding(bottom=1) if self._crops_below: self._ref_grid[-1].layout.set_padding(bottom=1) else: self._ref_grid[-1].layout.set_padding(right=1) # Put error values underneath the columns if self._crops_below: for i in range(len(images)): # if i > 0: # err = self.error_string(i - 1, self.errors) # else: # err = self.error_metric_name if add: self._crop_grid[i].set_title("bottom", method_names[i]) self._crop_grid[i].layout.set_title("bottom", 6, 1, 8) else: pass # TODO # TODO this requires titles spanning multiple grids (the image and its crops)! # error_strings = [ f"{self.error_metric_name}" ] # error_strings.extend([ self.error_string(i, self.errors) for i in range(len(self.errors)) ]) # self._crop_grid.set_col_titles("bottom", error_strings) # self._crop_grid.layout.set_padding(column=1, row=1) # self._crop_grid.layout.set_col_titles("bottom", fontsize=8, field_size_mm=2.8, offset_mm=0.5) # If given, show method names on top # TODO combine with error values, and always show both or neither # if method_names is not None: # self._crop_grid.set_col_titles("top", method_names) # self._crop_grid.layout.set_col_titles("top", fontsize=8, field_size_mm=2.8, offset_mm=0.25) # self._ref_grid.copy_layout(self._crop_grid) # self._ref_grid.layout.set_padding(right=1) # TODO set appropriate paddings for alignment etc def error_string(self, index, errors): """ Generates the human-readable error string for the i-th element in a list of error values. Args: index: index in the list of errors errors: list of error values, one per method, in order """ if self.use_latex and index == np.argmin(errors): return f"" elif self.use_latex: return f"" else: return f"" def error_metric_name(self) -> str: return "" def main(data_root,image_file_1,image_file_2,image_file_3,dataset_type,ours_method,crops_1,crops_2,crops_3,width_cm,output_image,ours_method_1=None,ours_method_2=None,ours_method_3=None): data_root = os.path.join(data_root) original_image_1 =,"original",dataset_type,image_file_1)) # 写完了你在这个里面直接运行就可以 KinD_image_1=,"KinD",dataset_type,image_file_1)) LIME_image_1=,"LIME",dataset_type,image_file_1)) NPE_image_1 =,"NPE",dataset_type,image_file_1)) SRIE_image_1 =,"SRIE",dataset_type,image_file_1)) ZeroDCE_image_1 =,"ZeroDCE",dataset_type,image_file_1)) ours_image_1 =,ours_method_1 if ours_method_1 else ours_method,dataset_type,image_file_1)) original_image_2 =,"original",dataset_type,image_file_2)) # 写完了你在这个里面直接运行就可以 KinD_image_2=,"KinD",dataset_type,image_file_2)) LIME_image_2=,"LIME",dataset_type,image_file_2)) NPE_image_2 =,"NPE",dataset_type,image_file_2)) SRIE_image_2 =,"SRIE",dataset_type,image_file_2)) ZeroDCE_image_2 =,"ZeroDCE",dataset_type,image_file_2)) ours_image_2 =,ours_method_2 if ours_method_2 else ours_method,dataset_type,image_file_2)) original_image_3 =,"original",dataset_type,image_file_3)) # 写完了你在这个里面直接运行就可以 KinD_image_3=,"KinD",dataset_type,image_file_3)) LIME_image_3=,"LIME",dataset_type,image_file_3)) NPE_image_3 =,"NPE",dataset_type,image_file_3)) SRIE_image_3 =,"SRIE",dataset_type,image_file_3)) ZeroDCE_image_3 =,"ZeroDCE",dataset_type,image_file_3)) ours_image_3 =,ours_method_3 if ours_method_3 else ours_method,dataset_type,image_file_3)) output_image = os.path.abspath(output_image) figure_1 = MyCrops( reference_image=original_image_1, method_images=[ KinD_image_1, LIME_image_1, NPE_image_1, SRIE_image_1, ZeroDCE_image_1, ours_image_1 ], crops=[ Cropbox(top=crop[0], left=crop[1], height=crop[2], width=crop[3], scale=crop[4]) for crop in crops_1 ], # scene_name="Pool", method_names=["Reference", "KinD", "LIME", "NPE", "SRIE", "ZeroDCE", "Ours"], use_latex=True ).figure figure_2 = MyCrops( reference_image=original_image_2, method_images=[ KinD_image_2, LIME_image_2, NPE_image_2, SRIE_image_2, ZeroDCE_image_2, ours_image_2 ], crops=[ Cropbox(top=crop[0], left=crop[1], height=crop[2], width=crop[3], scale=crop[4]) for crop in crops_2 ], # scene_name="Pool", method_names=["Reference", "KinD", "LIME", "NPE", "SRIE", "ZeroDCE", "Ours"], use_latex=True ).figure figure_3=MyCrops( reference_image=original_image_3, method_images=[ KinD_image_3, LIME_image_3, NPE_image_3, SRIE_image_3, ZeroDCE_image_3, ours_image_3 ], crops=[ Cropbox(top=crop[0], left=crop[1], height=crop[2], width=crop[3], scale=crop[4]) for crop in crops_3 ], method_names=["Reference", "KinD", "LIME", "NPE", "SRIE", "ZeroDCE", "Ours"], use_latex=True, add=True ).figure # scene_name="Pool", figuregen.figure([figure_1[0],figure_1[1],figure_2[0],figure_2[1],figure_3[0],figure_3[1]], width_cm=width_cm, filename=output_image) # grid = figuregen.Grid(3,1) # grid[0,0].set_image(figure) # grid[1,0].set_image(figure) # grid[2,0].set_image(figure) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--config", type=str, default="./config/compare3_1.yaml") args = parser.parse_args() with open(args.config, "r") as f: config = yaml.safe_load(f) main(**config)